Page 133 of The Crown's Shadow

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He didn’t have time for these dramatics. Who knew when the human would force his way out and push him back into that cell? The man was exceptionally strong-willed for a human. Until that moment came, the god did not wish to waste time by talking.

“Did you not hear me? You failed.”

She won’t stop,the man caged within said with a sigh. The god could feel the man’s exhaustion creeping in, the annoyance lacing his words.

Fine,the god grumbled back.I will entertain them for a moment.

The god pushed himself off the wall. “I do not recall asking for your opinion on the matter.”

Not what I meant,the man said.

“Do you think I care if you asked for my opinion or not?”

The god opened his mouth, but the man started pounding on the door, his anger seeping out.

They can’t know,the man shouted.

Oh, so we are keeping me a secret now, are we?The god smirked.

“You know what, Graeson? If you don’t want to admit it, fine.” Danisinia crossed her arms over her chest. “What’s your backup plan?”

“I do not need a backup plan.”

Danisinia scoffed. “Well, you shouldn’tneeda backup plan, Graeson, but here we are.” She threw her hands out.

“Have you forgotten why we came here?”

“No, but it seems you have,” Danisinia said, hands on her hips.

Huffing, the god began sharpening one of the gleaming scimitars on the table. “We came here to teachthem a lesson, did we not?”

Danisinia’s hands fell from her hips.

“We came here partly to save Kalisandre, but that was not the only reason.” He took a step toward Danisinia, who lifted her chin in challenge. “Domitius thinks he is untouchable, that he has won. We must show him that he is wrong.”

“So we’re moving to Plan C then?” the man with the buzz cut said as he bounced on his toes.

A malicious smile crept up on Danisinia’s lips.

The prince stepped forward. “Dani, are you sure you are well enough?”

She waved Terin’s question away. “Sylvia?”

The red-headed Pontian sitting in a rocking chair perked up. “Am I finally going to do what I came here for?” they asked, a mischievous glint sparking in their eye.

The god smirked. “I think it is about time, don’t you?”

“Fuck yes!” Sylvia shouted, punching the air. They stood from the chair, sending it rocking back into the wall with a bang. “I’ll go get my things!”

“Things? Whatthings?” The white-haired woman shrieked, her head swiveling back and forth.

“Wait! Hold on,” Terin said, holding out his hands, and Sylvia skirted to a stop before they rounded the corner leading to the cellar. “What in the god’s breath are you talking about? If Kalisandre isn’t with you—”

“It does not matter,” the god said.

“'Doesn’t matter?” Terin asked. “But if we go with this plan—”

The god shook his head, cutting off the prince. “No more waiting. No more hiding.”
