Page 162 of The Crown's Shadow

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“Myra?” Graeson asked, calling her attention to him.

Myra’s hazel eyes bore into him, and her silence was the only answer they needed. For in the silence, she admitted her compliance, and it was a punch to the gut.

Domitius shook her head, his nails digging into her skin. “Come on, Myra. Don’t be shy now. Tell them.Tellthem how you changed her emotions, how you infiltrated her mind, how you have been manipulating the manipulator this entire time.”

Myra struggled against the king, but Domitius’ hold remained firm.

“You see, the handmaiden is like all of you,” Domitius said, pointing the tip of his blade toward Graeson and the others. He flicked his sword in a circle. “She, too, has what you all callgifts. Let’s see. Kalisandre here can command people, manipulate their very will.” Domitius pointed at Terin. “We’ve already established what you can do. A neat little party trick, I suppose, when you have the strength anyway.” Domitius shrugged.

A feral growl vibrated in Graeson’s chest, but he didn’t move.

“And you,” he continued, pointing to Dani, “are the huntress, I assume? Is that really the best the gods could have given you? The ability to find things and people? I suppose it would be handy if you were stranded somewhere. It would have made my life easier once upon a time, but I digress.”

Domitius tapped the blade against Myra’s cheek as he stared at Graeson. “And then there is you.” Domitius tilted his head to the side. “What is your name again? Graeson? No, that’s not right.” Blood smeared across Myra’s cheek as he continued to tap. Then he smiled, his brown eyes darkening. “Graeson.According to the handmaiden, Kalisandre has a sweet spot for you. The one she hid from me, the one who has been sneaking around the castle, right?”

Graeson’s veins turned ice-cold, his fury a sheet of ice now, vibrating within him.

“It’s cute, really. Kalisandre thought she had kept her little infatuation a secret from me. But everything has a way of coming out, and Myra here has helped deal with that little problem.”

“Graeson,” Dani hissed, squeezing his arm when his fingers found the blade on the floor.

Domitius cackled at the interaction. “But anyway, according to Kalisandre,youare somewhat of an enigma. Your mind cannot be read, nor can you be manipulated. A useful gift indeed.” He tilted his head to the side, studying Graeson. “You see, some might say I’m a collector of useful things, and you would be a valuable piece in my collection. What do you think, Myra? Shall we bring him back with us? Call it a trade, perhaps? The girl for him? It’s only fair.”

Fear covered Myra’s countenance, and her body went rigid.

“You wouldn’t be able to get within three feet of me,” Graeson said, his grip tightening around the hilt of the throwing knife despite Dani’s warning.

Domitius raised a brow. “No?”

“What’s your point?” Dani spat.

Domitius smirked. “Myra here can change emotions,feelings.She’s had her little hands on Kalisandre’s mind—for what? Seven? Ten years? Who knows at this point? Either way, even if you take Kalisandre, she’ll kill you. She’ll betray you just like she did last time.” Domitius chuckled and arched a boastful brow. “The Kalisandre you all knew once upon a time is long gone.”

“No, she’s not,” Graeson spat.

“You actually think you can free her, don’t you?” Domitius laughed. His gaze darkened in challenge. “Go ahead and try. You’ll see.” Domitius reached inside his jacket and pulled something out, his fingers wrapping around it.

Graeson’s fingers twitched.

No!the god shouted.

Graeon’s hand froze.No?You just said her life did not matter! She betrayed Kalisandre. She betrayed all of us. We can end this now.

I said no,the god hissed.We do not know how her manipulation works. If the handmaiden dies, Kalisandre could be lost forever.


No! She must live.

Domitius turned his attention to Terin. “Do say hello to your mother for me, won’t you? If you survive the crash, that is.”

“The crash?” Terin whispered.

But Graeson was already moving as Domitius shifted. As he reached for Myra, a black iron ball hit the ground, and an explosion erupted, shaking the ground and forcing Graeson onto his back.

Someone screamed as black smoke filled the room and rocks fell, the ceiling crashing down around them. Then, Graeson was knocked out, darkness sweeping over him as everything fell apart around him.

Chapter 1
