Page 71 of The Crown's Shadow

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The carriage door opened, and Medenia’s head popped around it. The princess waved her hand frantically as a broad smile split her face in two.

“Princess!” Tyla shouted as Medenia jumped out of the carriage, and Ophelia followed after her.

“Princess, you really should—” Moris began, but he shut his mouth when Medenia waved him off.

Moris had been over-cautious about Medenia's well-being since they had left Tetria. Medenia, however, didn’t need another bodyguard. She didn’t even need the two she had. Graeson had seen her fight in the Tetrian tournament. She was murderous with a blade in her hand.

With her skirts pulled up to her knees, Medenia trampled through the ferns and mud, running over to them. She threw herself at Tyla. The stranger met the princess with equal excitement, wrapping her arms around the princess and smiling.

“It is so good to see you, Ty.” Medenia released the woman. “You didn’t have to offer your home to us, though.”

With a gentle push at her shoulder, Tyla huffed. “The Princess of Tetria will not be seen making camp somewhere on the forest ground of her own kingdom. You will sleep in a bed. It is a duty I am happy to perform.” Tyla then raised her gaze to the rest of the group who had gathered outside of the carriages. “And so will the rest of you. You are our guests, and you will be treated as such.”

Graeson tipped his head in gratitude as Dani shuffled over, plucking a twig from her hair.

“Could we bother you for a warm bath as well?” Dani asked.

Tyla quickly scanned Dani’s person and then her horse before she laughed, shaking her head. “You tried to take the path untraveled, didn’t you?”

Dani’s mouth fell open. “How did you—”

“Winter is known for throwing off her rider if they even try to veer off the designated paths,” Tyla interrupted with an amused smirk. She pointed a thumb at Ellie. “I’m surprised Ellie didn’t warn you.”

“Hmm.” Ellie scratched her head. “I swore I did.”

“You did not,” Dani said, arms crossing over her chest and her hip popping out.

Ellie shrugged. “Must have slipped my mind then.”

“Mhm,” Dani mumbled, rolling her head. She then redirected her attention to Tyla. “About that bath?”

“And the beds?” Armen piped in.

“And perhaps . . . food?” Moris asked, rubbing his stomach.

“And a drink?” Emmett added.

Graeson couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his group. For a bunch of trained soldiers with otherworldly skills, they knew how to appear . . . normal.

Terin stepped forward, bowing low and offering a small smile. “If it is not too much of a bother.”

“Of course not.” Tyla turned around, waving at them to follow. “It’s just a short distance from here.”

* * *

The accommodations were morethan they could have hoped for after a day of travel. No one, not even Armen, complained. Even Emmett was content, for the man had been smiling ear-to-ear ever since Tyla placed a liquor bottle in the center of the table during dinner. Moris fawned after Medenia, his eyes rarely leaving her, even as he inhaled Tyla’s stew.

As night fell over the lands, the chatter among the Pontians and Tetrians grew light and easy.

After they ate, Tyla showed everyone where they could find the bathing chambers and their beds for the night. Tyla’s home wasn’t large enough for each one of them to have their own room. But when they were traveling with ten people, no one expected as much. A roof over their head was more than they could have asked for. Ellie offered to room with Tyla, which left three rooms remaining. Medenia and Ophelia took one; Dani and Sylvia took the other. The room was split between the five men. Graeson left the two beds for the others to fight over.

Even knowing this was probably the last night a bed would be available for the next week, Graeson found himself wandering outside to the stables. He spent the night brushing the horses’ manes, unknotting and braiding Darling’s hair, until sleep found him.

The following day, he woke up with hay stuck to his face and a mind riddled with puzzles he couldn’t solve.

