Page 90 of The Crown's Shadow

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“This isn’t going to be a problem, right?” Graeson asked his friends.

He said what he needed to say to Armen, but a part of Graeson hesitated to give the Tetrians his complete trust. The last time he had trusted a woman, she had stabbed him in the back.

Terin was quiet for a moment, then he said, “It was going to come up at some point. I believe them when they say that only a few know.”

Dani nodded. “Perhaps we can use this to our advantage. It was going to get more than complicated if they didn’t know. Now, we don’t have to worry about that.”

Graeson brushed a hand through his hair, nodding. It did simplify some things, at least.

The three of them returned to the fire. Then, without telling the Tetrians every little detail, Graeson revealed the basics of their plan. Starting with how Emmett would mask their identities to get them inside the castle without being spotted and ending with taking Kalisandre back.

“You do know that if you are successful,” Ellie said, “you will be the reason war will break out. While we are on your side, the other kingdoms will not look kindly upon Pontia.”

“If we take Kalisandre, whatever plans Domitius had that require her will be thwarted. For some reason, she is essential to his plans. If we separate her from him, we can get ahead of this.” Graeson shrugged. “Because, as I said, war is already coming. No matter what happens.”

“We need to send word to the others,” Sylvia piped up beside Moris.

“You’re right,” Medenia said, nodding. “My mother needs to hear about this. Sooner rather than later.”

“As does mine,” Terin added in agreement. “She has already expressed her hesitancy. Maybe this is the push she needs. We need to get ahead of this while we still can.”

They all looked around the circle, exchanging glances.

“What?” Graeson asked when all of their stares fell on him.

“Who are you sending?” Dani asked.

“This is my decision?”

“This is your mission,” Terin said. “It is your choice.”

His gaze swept over the group sitting in front of him. In total, there were three Tetrians and seven Pontians. Ten people who all had something to add, who had their own strengths and weaknesses. Graeson didn’t know who he could lose. His entire team served a purpose. They wouldn’t be here otherwise. His gaze bounced between Moris and Sylvia. If Armen didn’t have insider knowledge about Domtius, the choice would have been easy. If Emmett, who was currently snoring in his tent, hadn’t been gifted with the ability to conceal their identities, he would have been a viable option as well. But one: Graeson didn’t trust him to get home without straying from the designated path. And two: the man’s gift was too valuable. He could—

“I’ll go,” Ophelia said, straightening.

“But—” Ellie began.

“It’s fine,” Medenia said, cutting Ellie off. “I will be fine.”

Ophelia looked at Medenia, and the Tetrian warrior grabbed the princess’ hand. Medenia squeezed it, giving her a gentle nod. Over the fire, Graeson saw the sadness filling the princess’ eyes. Ophelia stood, hand still in Medenia’s.

Graeson opened his mouth to object, but Ophelia shook her head before he could. “I have seen how important this mission is to you.” Ophelia’s gaze was steady as she looked at Graeson, then the others. “Allof you. If it were Medenia in your Kalisandre’s shoes, I would do anything to get her back. This is not up for debate.”

Graeson regarded the three Tetrians. While sorrow filled their eyes, determination was painted across their countenances. Ophelia was right; there was no debating this.

“Very well,” Graeson said. “We will guard Medenia with our lives.”

“I would expect nothing less.” Ophelia tipped her head in silent gratitude. Ophelia glanced down at the princess, a smile splitting her face. “Although do not underestimate her. She may wear a crown, but Medenia is a warrior at heart. The fiercest warrior.”

Medenia blushed. “Not as fierce as you, my love.”

Ophelia straightened, her chest puffing out.

When the warrior looked at Graeson, her expression hardened, gaze frigid despite the flames flickering in them. “But if any harm does come to her, you will have earned a second enemy.”

Graeson did not flinch but nodded in mutual agreement. He did not doubt that Ophelia and the rest of the Tetrian warriors would come for his head if their beloved princess met the same fate as Fynn. Medenia was safe with them. Graeson would not let her see the same fate as Fynn.

“I’ll head out in the morning,” Ophelia said.
