Page 97 of The Crown's Shadow

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It hadn’tdawned on Kallie until her fingers were wrapped around Rian’s hand that she was once again being handed to another man. Given to another king to parade around a room as if she were a prized heifer being shown to its bidders.

In her mind, today was meant to prove to the world that Kalisandre Helene Domitius was no longer the Princess of Ardentol, that she was stepping into her new role as a future queen. When, in fact, tonight’s display only showed that Kallie was Rian’s queen. Because Kallie, in her red satin dress with diamonds draped over her shoulders, was simply another ruby in Rian’s vast collection.

ButKallie wasn’t a diamond, nor was she a ruby. She was the fire that forged them.

Kallie lifted her chin.

Rian would be the last man she would let guide her, the last man to treat her like a piece of jewelry to be worn and shown off whenever it suited him.

Frenzian lords and ladies, whom Phaia had often pointed out on their morning strolls, greeted them as Kallie and Rian passed. While Kallie recognized their faces, she knew nothing about them. She did not know what made them smile or their aspirations. And they knew nothing of hers. Because as familiar as their faces were, they were strangers.

They did not know who she was or what she could do.

“Is something funny, Princess?” Rian whispered as they neared their seats.

“My King?” Kallie asked.

Rian pulled out a chair and signaled for her to sit. “You laughed as if something was funny.”

A flush of red rose to her cheeks, her legs freezing. She hadn’t even realized she had laughed aloud.

Kallie cleared her throat. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

He leaned down as he pushed her chair in, his words a light brush against the side of her cheek. “Perhaps once we become more acquainted, you will share your moments of laughter with me.”

To the guests standing in the room, it must have looked like the king was whispering sweet nothings into his bride’s ear. Secrets between two lovers being shared. And while his words were sweet, they were just that:sweet. Kallie and Rian would never be lovers who shared secrets or whispered sweet nothings into each other’s ear. Nor would they ever be two people who gave secret touches beneath the table or exchanged flirtatious glances as they sipped their wine.

Perhaps they could have been in another life. But not in this one. Neither friends nor lovers manipulated each other. And Kallie had been manipulating Rian from the first day they met. From here on out, the manipulation would only continue.

Until that is, Kallie got what she wanted. After that, Rian would serve no purpose, and there was no room for loose threads in Domitius’ plans.

Beside her, Rian offered a kind smile, and she almost regretted those plans. Almost regretted the violation of his mind, the manipulation of his friendship and his heart. But she didn’t regret it enough to stop. Because at the end of the day, Kallie could not change what she had already done. She could only continue marching forward, like the weapon she was. One swing at a time.

When Rian signaled for the crowd to sit, chairs scraped across the floor as the guests took their seats, and the music halted.

“I am thrilled to see so many familiar faces today, many of whom my family and I saw only a few months ago,” Rian began. He cleared his throat, shaking the rising sorrow from his voice. “Today, we gather for a more joyous occasion. And for that, I am grateful. Because today, we celebrate life and all the joys that it can bring. Today, and for the rest of the week, we celebrate our marriage.” He laid a gentle hand on Kallie’s shoulder, and Kallie placed a hand over his as she smiled up at him. “And we shall continue celebrating our union for the rest of our lives. Please, raise your glasses to my beautiful bride, Kalisandre Helene Domitius, Princess of Ardentol and Future Queen of Frenzia!”

“And to you, Your Majesty,” Kallie said with a soft smile as she raised her glass.

Rian smiled down at her and sipped on his wine. “Now, please,” Rian said, gracefully waving his hand to the tables before them, “eat. There will be plenty of time later for long speeches.”

Light laughter filled the space as the musicians began to play again.

When Rian sat down, the people turned their attention to the feast before them.

Kallie sank back into her chair. She could have been marrying someone much worse. Someone like Sebastian. Her attention flicked to the king’s brother, who was sitting only a few chairs down beside Tessa, and to Kallie’s dismay, the captain was staring at her.

Sebastian only looked away at last when a servant asked to refill his glass.

Still, she sensed the ghost of someone’s gaze lingering over her skin. She couldn’t explain it. All she knew was that there was a tug pulling her toward the crowd.

Heartbeat racing, her gaze darted across the room. Sweat moistened the back of her neck. But as she scanned the room, she couldn’t decipher friend from foe in a room filled with strangers.

Instead, Kallie focused on Rian, trying to shake the feeling.

He smiled as he sipped his wine. However, when his lips touched the glass, his smile faltered. Rian’s complexion was even worse than before he left with Sebastian. Even the powder he wore on his face couldn’t mask the exhaustion that plagued him.

Beside her, Laurince dove for the food on his plate as though the king’s guard had not eaten in days. His gaze caught on her. Slipping the fork out of his mouth, he swallowed and straightened in his seat as he set his fork down.
