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“He didn’t disappear—he moved.”

“And then stopped writing.”

“Not right away.” There’d been a year or two of communication before it dried up altogether.

“Have you ever thought about trying to find him? It’d be easier now than it was then, what with the Internet. You could probably find him in seconds.”

Keith smiled. “And discover he’s been happily married for the last two decades—or at least the closest anyone could get to same-sex marriage before the law changed. Why rock the boat?”

“But what if he isn’t happily married? What if he’s been miserable ever since he left Stillwater, and—”

“And hasn’t been in contact.” Keith shook his head. “Not that I’m blaming him. I’ve been just as bad. Leave it, sis. Let the past stay the past.”

Which was easier than it sounded.

His conversation with Yuri had opened the door to memories he’d thought long forgotten. He’d woken that morning thinking of Michael.

Specifically, the first Christmas they were together.

It had been frustrating as hell, until Michael had made a suggestion that had changed everything.

It was a tale he’d share with Yuri if he got the chance.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Keith had no idea how long he’d lain awake waiting for Yuri to appear. He’d almost given up hope when the door opened and Yuri walked in, smiling when he caught sight of the tree.

“That’s pretty.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Keith raised the head of his bed a little higher. “Where I grew up, every year there was a huge tree down by the river, covered with thousands of lights. There was a skating rink too.”

“Where was that?”


Yuri grinned. “You didn’t stray far from home, did you?”

He smiled. “Why would I want to move? It’s a beautiful place to live.” Stillwater had everything: a river, an ever-changing canopy of leaves... If he needed culture, there was Minneapolis. “When I was your age, I never imagined I’d still be living here when I was in my fifties.” Keith peered at Yuri. “Where did you grow up?”

That smile was so attractive. “Right here in Stillwater, just like you. And I’m still here.”

“Do you think you’ll stay here?”

“To quote you, why would I want to move? It’s a beautiful place.”

Keith recalled their previous conversation. “You said you were in love once. What was he like? Seeing as I told you all about Michael.”

“I don’t think you told me everything, but you’re right, turnabout is fair play.” Yuri sat in the chair. “He was the best person I ever knew. And I was a fool to lose him.”

Keith stilled. “Now listen to me. Don’t dwell on the past. Don’t fixate on the one that got away. Do that, and no other guy will ever be as good. And before you know it, the years will have flown and you’ll have let happiness pass you by. Don’t do that. I did that, and look at me now. I should have a partner visiting me, a husband even, but I’m alone. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

“No one ever matched up to Michael, did they?”

He smiled. “I think you already know the answer to that.”

“You were going to tell me about your first Christmas with Michael.”

“So I was.” He sighed. “We weren’t out.”
