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“I’m saying... maybe there is no Yuri. Maybe you... imagined him.”

For a moment he was struck dumb. “You think I’m making him up? Or worse still, hallucinating?”

She shrugged. “I don’t think you’d lie about him. That last one is a possibility, however. And it’s not unheard of with your condition.”

“How would you know that?”

Another bite of her lip. “Anna told me. She’s seen it before.”

Keith gaped at her. “So I’m imagining it when he touches my hand? Because let me assure you, he feels as real as you do.”

“I’m certain it seems very real. But what other explanation is there?”

That was the part that foxed Keith.

Heidi spent the rest of her visit talking about the preparations for Christmas, but Keith wasn’t really listening. He knew one thing for certain—he wasn’t going to share Heidi’s extreme theory with Yuri. Because how weird would that be?

Hey, Yuri, my sister thinks you’re a figment of my imagination.

Yuri was the one thing keeping his mind off the pain. When Keith talked about the past, the pain spikes lessened, and the weakness seemed to diminish.

Yuri was doing more for him than any medication, and he wasn’t about to jeopardize that.

But what if she’s right?

What if he isn’t real?

What if this is what happens near the end?

He shoved that last thought aside. He didn’t want to think about that.

He wanted to enjoy Christmas when it arrived.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

“Is something wrong?” Yuri asked, standing beside the bed. “You seem troubled.”

Heidi’s words had stayed with him all day. But seeing Yuri there, so real, so solid, he knew she was wrong. He preferred his original theory, even if it did mean Yuri wasn’t really a nurse and was wearing a costume.

It was better than the alternative.

“I’m fine,” Keith said with a smile. “Where did you train to be a nurse?”

Yuri blinked. “That was random.”

“Just curious.”

“The University of Minnesota—Twin Cities.”

“How long did you train for?”

“Three years. Bachelor of Science in Nursing.” Yuri’s eyes twinkled. “Do you want to see my diploma? I can bring it with me tomorrow night.” He grinned. “If you wanted to make sure I’m qualified to be here.”

Keith felt foolish. “No, I don’t want you to do that.”

Yuri perched on the edge of the bed. “What brought all that on?”

“It’s nothing, honest.” He changed the subject. “How will you be spending Christmas?”
