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Keith smiled. “Take a good look around, Mr. I’m-going-to-be-a-doctor. One day you might be working here.”

Michael chuckled. “Do you know how long I have to study before that can happen?”

“Hey, I have five years ahead of me,” he protested.

“And I have longer still.” Michael’s face glowed. “All the more time to spend with you.” He reached into the bag. “I brought something with me.”

“If you’ve got condoms and KY in there, I hate to disappoint you, but I don’t think I’m up to that, not even a sneaky hand job under the covers.”

Michael laughed, and the sound lifted Keith’s spirits.

“Doof. I brought a book to read to you.”

“Ooh. Which one?” He narrowed his gaze. “If it’s a certain book about the joy of something, you’re gonna be in trouble. Because that would just be too cruel, teasing me when I’m in a weakened state.”

Michael chuckled. “I’m saving that for when you’re well again. But I have been reading it. Found something else I want us to try.”

When nothing else was forthcoming, Keith glared at him. “Don’t make me beat you.”

He snorted. “As if you could.” He stood and leaned over, his breath warm against Keith’s ear. “It’s called rimming.”

Heat spiked through him. “Oh. Yeah, I might have read about that too.” He stared at Michael. “You really want to try that?”

Michael bit his lip. “Yeah—once we’ve both used what I bought us for Christmas. Except we won’t be able to use them until next semester.”

Keith gaped. “I don’t think I wanna know anymore.” Except he did. He was dying of curiosity. “So which book did you bring?” Michael held it up, and Keith laughed. “The Stand? You brought a book about a flu plague that wipes out most of the world’s population? Man, you are a piece of work. With a twisted sense of humor.”

“I know, but you still love me.” Michael grinned.

There was no denying that.

“Yeah, I do,” he said softly. Keith waved his hand. “Okay then. Read to me about Captain Trips.”

Michael retook his seat in the chair, opened the book, and began to read. Keith closed his eyes and listened, letting Michael’s voice roll over him, settle on him, as warm as a blanket, as soft as silk. And when sleep took hold of him, he went willingly, knowing Michael would still be there when he awoke.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

“How long were you in the hospital?” Yuri asked.

“Another two weeks. So yeah, I missed Christmas. And Michael came to visit me every day.” Lord, he was tired all of a sudden.

“Telling that story has made you sleepy,” Yuri observed. “I think I should leave you.”

“I’m not tired,” Keith protested before he gave a huge yawn.

Yuri chuckled. “Yeah right.”

“But I was going to tell you about the wedding. Which was pretty memorable.”

“And you can—when I come back.” Yuri’s hand was gentle on his head. “Now go to sleep. You need your rest.”

“Mm.” Keith couldn’t keep his eyes open.

“Sweet dreams, Keith.”

“Mm.” He caught the sound of a door opening and closing.

Hey, Heidi. Am I hallucinating about that too?
