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“You want me to find Michael, don’t you?”

He nodded. “That’s all the personal information I have. I know what city they moved to, and that’s as much of the address as I can remember. It was a long time ago.”

She closed the pad and slipped it into her purse. “I’m on it. Better yet, I’ll get Darrell on it.” She bit her lip. “His tech skills put mine to shame.” Heidi leaned forward. “One question. If I find him, what do you want me to do?” She squeezed his hand. “Do you want to see him?”

He heard the words she didn’t give breath to.

Before it’s too late.

Keith nodded. “If he can get here. I know it’s a lot to ask, but—”

“Hey, it’s fine. We’ll see what we can do, all right?” She paused, and Keith suddenly knew what was coming. “So... last night... did you—”

“Did I see my imaginary friend Yuri again? Is that what you want to know?” She flushed. “The answer is yes. And he seemed very real to me. So if my mind is playing tricks on me, it’s doing an amazing job.” He couldn’t resist poking her. “There is another alternative, you know.”

She stared at him. “I’m all ears.”

Keith smiled. “He could be a ghost. Except if that were true, my hand would go right through him, and he feels as real as you do.”

“I’m not going to talk about this.” Her face tightened. “I can’t talk about this.”

Keith squeezed her hand. “Hey. Hey...”

Heidi’s eyes glistened, and Keith didn’t have to see inside her head to know she was thinking about what was coming around the corner right at them.

“Find Michael for me,” he croaked. “Don’t give me updates, just let me know when you have definite news. And if your search proves fruitless? I want to know that too. Either way, I need closure.”

She nodded. “I’ll pull out all the stops.”

“You’re a good sister.” He sagged against the pillows, worn out from the conversation.

Heidi stood, leaned over him, and kissed his forehead. “You know what? I’m going to get on this right away.” Before he could protest that she’d only just arrived, she hurried out of the room, but not that fast that Keith didn’t spot her wiping her eyes.

A poem he’d studied in English came to mind, an ancient poem by a guy called Andrew Marvell. Keith couldn’t remember it exactly, but he knew it contained lines about the writer always being aware of Time creeping up on him from behind.

In Keith’s case, Time was armed and dangerous.

And running out.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Keith watched as Yuri checked the monitor, his tubes, and his blood pressure and heartbeat.

If my mind is conjuring him, it’s working overtime.

He waited until Yuri scribbled notes on his chart before speaking.

“So I’m still here then?”

Yuri smiled. “Definitely.”

Keith couldn’t put a brake on his mouth. “But the more important question is... are you?”

Yuri blinked. “Interesting. Do you see me?” Keith nodded. “Hear me?” Another nod. Yuri held Keith’s hand. “Feel that?”

Keith squeezed it. “Yup.”

“Then I must be here,” Yuri concluded.
