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“Me too. Because my stupid little heart is dancing right along with yours.”

Keith’s mouth fell open. He was giddy. Excited. Elated.

This was real.

This was happening.

And before he could mumble words that could never capture the depth of his feelings, his emotions, Michael walked around the breakfast bar, tilted Keith’s chin up with his fingers, cupped the back of Keith’s head, drew him closer, and finally Keith’s life caught up with his fantasy and their lips met in a sweet kiss that he’d dreamed about for so long.

Don’t let this be a dream.

Don’t let me wake up in my bed.

Don’t let him stop.

Michael’s lips were warm and soft. His hands were gentle. A scent clung to him, a smell of outdoors, and it filled Keith’s nostrils, seeping into him, all the way to his bones.

Then the front door opened, they sprang apart, and the spell was broken.

“You home?” Ellen’s voice shattered the quiet.

Michael hurried over to the stove and resumed his task. “In the kitchen.”

Damn all sisters. It seemed to be a universal law that they had the worst timing.

Keith did his best to get his breathing under control. His head was spinning, and his heart was doing its little happy dance again.

My first kiss.

What made it perfect was that he’d shared it with Michael.

Ellen walked into the kitchen, shrugging off her coat and scarf. “Hey, Keith.” She peered at the paper in front of him. “Ooh, that looks great. Are you guys going to carve the pumpkins?”

Keith forced a smile. “That’s the plan.”

Inside he was cursing Ellen’s timing.

Michael glanced at him. “So you’re gonna stay?”

This time Keith’s smile felt genuine.

“Yeah, I’ll stay.”

Saturday, December 17, 2022

“What did Michael look like?” Yuri asked.

“He was tall, with brown hair, and eyes that looked like dark chocolate drops, a really rich brown.” Keith chuckled. “He said when he was seventeen that he wanted to grow a beard, but no matter how hard he tried, his face was always smooth and hair took forever to grow. In the end he resigned himself to being clean shaven.”

Yuri rubbed his beard. “I keep trying to get this to grow thicker, but so far it’s not playing ball.” He glanced at Keith’s room. “Looking at this place, you wouldn’t know it was almost Christmas.”

“I said the same thing to my sister only today. Which is sad, because Christmas was always my favorite holiday.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Yuri’s eyes twinkled. “Sounds to me like Halloween had to have been up there too.”

“That first Christmas was the hardest. We couldn’t be together.”

“Your folks didn’t know about you and Michael?”
