Page 17 of Fox

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“Quit complaining and get out here,” Molly called. “I want to see your property vest, and we were supposed to go shopping today, remember?”

“How in the hell does she already know about this?” I asked, pointing at the leather vest he’d just given me.

Fox shook his head with a chuckle. “You know how fast gossip spreads in a clubhouse.”

“Too true.” I sighed.

“Shopping?” he asked.

“Yeah, my sister planned to show me her favorite places in Old Bridge today.” I tugged on one of the loops at the waist of his jeans. “I meant to mention it last night, but then you distracted me with all of your sexiness.”

“Which he better not do again right now,” Molly yelled through the door.

“Go away,” I called back.

“Nope. I’m pregnant, hungry, and the only thing I want is a big stack of cinnamon apple french toast from the diner downtown. Let’s go,” she demanded.

“Geesh,” I sighed as I crawled off the mattress. “Give me a minute to get dressed.”

“I’ll give you five, but that’s all.”

I widened my eyes at Fox as she stomped away loudly enough that I could hear her footsteps through the closed door. “You still sure I’d be cute even when I’m a giant grouch? Because I sound an awful lot like my sister did just then.”

He nodded. “Looking forward to seeing it when you’re having your own pregnancy cravings, baby.”

With how often we were having unprotected sex, that would probably be sooner rather than later. “Then I guess I’d better go see if that french toast is as good as Molly thinks.”

“It’s fucking fantastic.” He went into the closet and grabbed a shirt while I dressed. “Which is why I’m joining you two.”

It ended up being the four of us since Maverick didn’t want to let Molly out of his sight. But we decided to take two vehicles, just in case something came up and one of the guys had to leave before we were done shopping. Which turned out to be the right call, but for a completely different reason.

“It’s a damn good thing we brought your truck, too,” Maverick muttered a few hours later. “Had no clue my woman could shop like this.”

Molly narrowed her eyes at him as she shoved three more bags against his chest. “Are you really complaining about your pregnant woman buying new clothes and a few things for the baby?”

“Absolutely not, princess.” Gathering the bags in one hand, he reached out to tug her close with the other. “If you want to buy out the whole fucking store, I’ll call every damn prospect and tell them to get their asses down here so they can take everything back to the clubhouse for you.”

Grinning up at Fox, I jerked my chin toward his club brother. “That was the perfect answer. You should take notes.”

“Don’t need to.” He brushed a quick kiss against my lips. “I know exactly how to handle you, baby.”

“True.” I winked at him. “And when my sister is finally done shopping, you can handle me all you want. In bed. And we better not be interrupted again.”

“Fine, I’m done,” Molly huffed. “You guys can load up this stuff, and then we can head back to the compound. But only because I’m in favor of your plan to knock up my sister so we can have our first babies together.”

More than ready to leave, I beamed a smile at Fox. “I’ll meet you at your truck.”

While they headed toward Maverick’s vehicle to put Molly’s bags in the back, I crossed the parking lot toward Fox’s extended cab. I was about ten feet away when the horn beeped to let me know he’d unlocked it for me. Then there was a loud boom, and everything went black.



“What the fuck happened?” I roared as I yanked at my hair, pacing in front of Dahlia’s hospital room. “How did a bomb get in my damn truck? Someone is gonna die for hurting my woman.”

The explosion had come out of fucking nowhere, and the blast had knocked us both off our feet. I’d scrambled over to Dahlia, only to find her unconscious. She’d been struck in the head by a flying piece of debris. Luckily, Maverick and Molly had been far enough away not to be impacted by the explosion.

I kept it together while we waited for the ambulance, and during the ride to the hospital and through the tests, where they finally determined that she only had a slight concussion and no other injuries.
