Page 30 of Cruel King

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“Who’s that?”

“My manager at ex-work. What a bitch. Overly critical and makes comparisons between how you worked yesterday and how you’re working today. And not good ones either. Total cowbag and I’m glad I don’t have to see her fucking ugly face ever again. Rah!” I lunge forward, catching Ciarán by surprise as I ram the knife into the target. “Oww!” The pain reverberates up my arm, and it goes numb.

“Erm, okay. Anger issues regarding Crystal,” Ciarán murmurs. “Want us to take her out?”

“Would you? I swear she was the one who told Gary what we did on my birthday.”

Biting my tongue when his ears prick up, he lowers the target. “Come again? And mention that fucker to me again, and we’re going to have a problem.”

“Jealous?” I snarl.

“Too fucking right. You don’t have a photo ofmenext to your bed.”

“No, I have youinmy bed, you asshat.”

“And don’t you fucking forget it,” he growls. “Back to your birthday.”

“What happened on your birthday?” Cathal asks, looking between the two of us.

Ciarán smiles slowly, sexily and with the edge of predator that makes my pussy go damp. “I railed her in the club where everyone could see. Sank my dick into her hot, wet pussy and pounded into her until she came all over my fucking cock. It was hot as fuck.”

Eyes wide, my cheeks go red again, but this time from embarrassment. “It was,” I croak, casting my gaze to Thal, who has his eyebrow raised and a soft smirk on his face.

“Oh, I see. You like that, do you, Summerbell?”


“You fucking loved it,” Ciarán says slyly. “Drenched my cock and made me yours for life.”

“Hmm, well. Can we get back to the training before we forget and do other things?”

“Probably a good idea,” he murmurs, but his eyes are ablaze with lust. It’s been a couple of days since we last had sex, what with one thing and another getting in the way.

Taking a deep breath, as Ciarán raises the target again and pulls out the knife. I take it from him and focus on the target, striking out with the knife, and plunging it into the pads, expecting the pain and bracing myself for it this time. A surge of adrenaline courses through me, and I grin, knowing that was better.

“Nice, but let’s get back to the guns.”

“Okay,” I agree, picking up the weapon again from the hood of the car. The fear and anxiety that had plagued me earlier have given way to determination, and I know that I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure my safety.

“Remember, Summer,” Cathal calls out as I take aim. “It’s not just about hitting your target. It’s about staying alive.”

I nod, steadying my breathing and focusing on the target in front of me. I know that this new skill could mean the difference between life and death, and I refuse to let fear hold me back any longer.

With grim resolve, I pull the trigger, and the bullet lands nowhere near its mark, but closer than last time, so I take that as a win.

* * *

The moment we step back into the penthouse, Ciarán presses me against the wall, his lips crashing onto mine with a ferocity that takes my breath away. The adrenaline from our earlier training session still courses through my veins, and I can feel the same intensity in Ciarán as he tugs at my clothes, desperate to feel my skin beneath his hands.

“Fuck, Summer,” he growls, his fingers digging into my hips as he lifts me off the ground. “You have no idea how much you turn me on when you’re like this.”

My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, hands clutching at his broad shoulders for support. “Show me,” I whisper, my voice thick with desire. “Show me how much you want me.”

His eyes flash with an almost animalistic hunger, and without warning, he carries me over to the large couch in the living room, tossing me down onto the soft cushions. He quickly sheds his own clothing before joining me, his body pressing against mine in a way that leaves no doubt about his intentions.

“God, I need you so fucking bad,” he murmurs, his hands exploring every inch of my body as if trying to commit it to memory. Our lips meet in a searing kiss, tongues tangling together as we lose ourselves in each other.

From across the room, I hear Cathal clear his throat, drawing our attention. He’s standing by the door, watching us with nervous amusement and desire. I feel a flush creep up my cheeks, but Ciarán doesn’t seem fazed at all.
