Page 63 of Cruel King

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“Support?” Cathal questions, his eyes narrowing slightly. “What kind of support?”

“Emotional, mostly,” I reply, avoiding his piercing gaze. “You know how things have been lately, and she wanted to make sure I’m doing okay.” I try to keep my expression neutral as I meet his stare. “I’m grateful for her concern, but I’ll keep my guard up.”

“Good,” Thal says with a nod, and I know I’ve done the right thing keeping Ruby’s offer quiet for now. They don’t need the extra worry of me being thrust into gang life in a way where they can’t protect me. Although, what exactly Ruby thinks I can do is a mystery to me. I don’t know the first thing about gangs. Okay, so that’s not entirely true, but close. As I look into the eyes of the men who’ve become my world, I know they would do anything to protect me. But can I fully trust Ruby or anyone else outside our tight-knit circle? I promise myself to tread carefully, knowing that one false move could put us all in danger.



The sight of Caden’s battered form stirs a storm of emotions within me. Shock, concern, but most potently, distrust. Our history is too complicated for anything less.

Blood may be thicker than water, but years of bad blood and rivalry separate Caden and me now. Ever since he and I split from Ciarán to form rival gangs, our brotherly bond has been shattered.

So his sudden re-reappearance raises my hackles. Sets old instincts on high alert. This could easily be a trap, a manipulation. Caden always excelled at spinning lies and playing on sympathies to get what he wanted.

Yet seeing him now, injured and in pain and hungover as fuck, ignites that innate drive to protect my own. He’s still my youngest brother, though long estranged. The big brother in me wars with the wary gangster.

A sharp glance from Ciarán tells me he’s just as skeptical, just as torn. Old habits die hard. But then I have to concede, as Summer pointed out, that Ciarán and I managed to put our differences aside and he offered me what I always wanted, so it was easy to brush the rest under the carpet. Maybe offering Caden the same will produce the same result.

Glowering at him hovering in the doorway as Summer’s gentle heart prevails, as I knew it would. She fusses over Caden with such compassion, and her disapproving look when I hesitate tells me she expects me to show mercy, not vengeance.

With a sigh, I set aside my doubts and suspicions for now. There will be time later to unravel Caden’s tangled web of lies, to get the actual truth from him. But seeing Summer’s silently pleading gaze, I know she’s right - now is not that time.

“Fine. You get to come in, but you skip out again and we’re done,” I mutter gruffly, helping him to the sofa.

Ciarán lingers nearby, radiating barely contained rage, but doesn’t intervene. Yet. He wants answers and Caden will either cough them up or be kicked out on the street.

Up close, the damage looks even worse. He has clearly hit the bottle pretty damn hard to numb the pain of the stabbing and the rest.

Summer hands me the first aid kit and I work methodically, cleaning and disinfecting the wound, which doesn’t look like it’s been seen to properly since Summer patched him up a few days ago. Keeping my touch quick and clinical, I can’t afford to let sympathy sway me. Caden remains uncharacteristically quiet, flinching occasionally as I probe the particularly nasty gash.

When I finish, he looks a bit less agonized at least. But the sight still stirs an unwelcome pang in my chest. I fight to keep my voice neutral, detached. “Right. You should rest up.”

Caden’s eyes brim with emotion. “Thanks.”

I nod swiftly and I turn my back on him. “We’ll talk later. For now, get some sleep.”

I can feel Caden’s gaze follow me as I walk away. So many unasked questions still linger between us. But right now, I need distance to regain perspective.

Summer offers me a small, grateful smile as I pass. In her eyes, I see understanding mingled with hope. She, better than anyone, knows my heart. Knows how deeply this wounds me, despite my outward stoicism.

Some bonds, it seems, cannot be completely severed. Even by violence, vengeance, and years of estrangement. The past always leaves its scars.

As I head towards the bedroom, Ciarán blocks my way. His eyes burn with intensity as he leans in close. “I don’t trust him.”

“I know,” I reply evenly. “But we can’t turn our backs on family, especially not when they’re in trouble.”

Ciarán sighs and steps aside, allowing me to leave. “Fine. But if he causes any trouble, it’s on you.”

I nod before disappearing into the small bedroom of this safehouse apartment. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that Caden knew where we were. It concerns me that this safehouse isn’t exactly safe right now with Summer’s dad showing up. We’re on the lookout for another place and in the meantime, Summer isn’t left alone for even a second. The cool night air from the open window washes over me, signifying the end of summer and momentarily distracting me from the conflicted thoughts racing through my mind.

Part of me wants to give Caden the benefit of the doubt. But another part of me remains wary, remembering all too well the lies and deceit that defined our past.

As I pace aimlessly around the room, lost in thought, I can’t shake the feeling that this is all just the beginning of something much bigger. Something that will tear apart everything Ciarán and I are in the process of building, rebuilding, building upon. Who even knows anymore? Only time will tell what’s really going on and where his loyalties lie. Until then, all I can do is watch and wait, knowing that whatever happens next could change everything forever. It’s clear he has a thing for Summer. But why I find myself surprised by that is anyone’s guess. She belongs with Ciarán and me, but does that also include Caden? He’s our triplet. He looks like us, talks like us, has our mannerisms, but he is lighter, more carefree, seemingly anyway, and I see the way Summer looks at him and the way she cares.

Sitting down heavily on the bed, my mind still races. The events of the last few days have been overwhelming, and this latest development with Caden only adds to the chaos.

Summer’s soft footsteps enter the room, and I look up to see her watching me with a worried expression. “You okay?” she asks softly.
