Page 68 of Cruel King

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He huffs out a self-deprecating laugh. “I don’t know about incredibly optimistic, love. Just a realist, doin’ my best, same as anyone else.”

“Your best is more than enough,” I assure him, locking my gaze with his. “I just want you to know that I’m here for you too, Caden. Whatever you need, whenever you need it.”

“Thanks, angel,” he says, his eyes softening as they meet mine. “That means the world to me.”

We sit there for a moment, his heart laid bare, drawing strength from our mutual understanding. The darkness of our pasts may cast long shadows, but in this quiet moment, we find solace in each other’s company.

“I grew up thinking my parents were dead,” I blurt out. “Turns out they are alive and just abandoned me.”

“Oh, whoa. That’s harsh. I’m sorry.”

Shrugging, I don’t feel like I can make too big a deal out of this. I mean, I can’t tell him about my parents working undercover to bring down the mafia in this city. He will tell Ciarán and Cathal and they will kill my parents. I can’t let any of that happen. But it begs the question ofwhatI’m going to do about it.

Caden’s grip returns on my hand, his knuckles turning white. His eyes flash with a fierce determination, and I know he’s about to reveal something significant. “You know, Summer,” he begins, his voice low and steady, “I’ve learned that life doesn’t give a fuck about fairness. But I refuse to let the shit that happened to me define who I am.”

“Go on,” I encourage him, my curiosity piqued.

“My brothers and I, we had a choice: become victims or fighters.” He pauses, swallowing hard. “I chose to fight. We all turned our pain into power. We all used it to get something back from this life.”

My heart swells with admiration as I watch Caden’s raw emotions play across his face. Glimmers of vulnerability peek through his tough exterior, only enhancing the strength I see in him. “I can’t believe how resilient you all are,” I breathe. “Most people would have given up, but not you three.”

He smirks, a spark of mischief dancing in his blue eyes. “Well, love, the Gannons have always been stubborn bastards. Giving up just isn’t in our nature.”

“Good,” I say with a smile. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Me neither,” he agrees, his gaze holding mine captive. “But enough about the past. Let’s focus on the present and the future.”

As we sit there, our hands still entwined, I marvel at the man before me. Despite all the darkness he and his brothers have faced, they have all emerged stronger and more determined than ever. And as I look into Caden’s eyes, I know without a doubt that together, we’ll conquer whatever shit is thrown at us, because in this cruel, unforgiving world, we’ve found something rare and precious: a connection forged in the fires of adversity, tempered by love, and destined to endure.

Caden’s gaze softens as he looks at me, and I can see his heart swelling with affection. “I’m falling for you, angel.”

My breath catches in my throat, and my heart pounds wildly. As I search for the right words to respond, Caden places his hand on my cheek, and the warmth of his touch sends a thrill down my spine.

His gaze is open and earnest. “Are you falling for me?”

“Yes,” I reply honestly. “And I’m scared shitless because I have no idea what that means for us. I don’t know if Ciarán and Cathal will approve.”

“Neither do I, angel,” Caden confesses, his fingers gently brushing my hair behind my ear. “But I’m willing to face my brothers if it means having a chance with you.”

The vulnerability in his voice tugs at my heartstrings, and I lean into his touch.

As his lips brush against mine, tender and passionate, I feel a connection that I’ve had twice before. It’s as if our souls are intertwining, finding solace and warmth in each other’s embrace. All my fears and doubts fade away, leaving only the raw emotions pulsing between us.

Our kiss deepens, the intensity of our connection making my head spin. Caden’s arms encircle me, pulling me closer as our bodies press together in a heated embrace. I can feel his heart pounding, echoing the frantic beat of my own. It’s as if we’re two pieces of a puzzle that have found their match, fitting perfectly into one another.

“Summer,” he murmurs against my lips, his voice husky and filled with longing.

“God, Caden,” I gasp, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through me. My hands find their way to his broad shoulders, fingers digging into the firm muscles beneath his shirt. His warmth envelops me, and I find myself drowning in the desire that sparks between us.

Suddenly, Caden pulls back, his forehead resting against mine as our breaths mingle in ragged gasps. Our eyes lock, emotions swirling through their depths like whirlpools. In this moment, the world around us ceases to exist, leaving only the raw vulnerability that lies at the heart of our connection.

“Fuck, Summer,” Caden whispers, the corners of his mouth lifting in a wry smile. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

The electricity between us crackles and hums, a tangible force that threatens to devour us. The promise of a future filled with passion and danger hovers in the air like a dark cloud, beckoning us to dive headfirst into its murky depths.

“Summer,” Caden whispers, his intense gaze piercing through me. “Do you feel it too?”

I nod, unable to find my voice, lost in the depths of his blue eyes.
