Page 36 of Ruthless Empire

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“Scott. You there?”

A heavy sigh. “Yeah. Sebastian, I can’t do this.”

“You owe me.”

“Anything but tracking a high-ranking member of Solitaire,” he hisses.

Narrowing my eyes, I glare at the phone. He is fucking lucky I used a secure line. “Unless you want to find yourself at the bottom of the Thames with concrete instead of boots, I’d get on it.”

“Threats? Is that how this is going to go down?”

“Well, I did ask nicely, and you refused.” I hide my disbelief. It’s not rocket science. You get one chance of me being niceifyou’re lucky. Then the gloves come off.

“This is breaking every rule there is.”

“Do it, or you don’t wake up tomorrow.”

“My wife just had a kid,” he croaks.

“Then why are we still talking about this?”

“Fine,” he snaps. “Give me forty minutes.”


Hanging up, I clench my fist, aching to take someone out. It’s not every day that I get blindsided like this. If it hadn’t been for that job, I’d have been more on it. Dante was my primary focus, and I took my eye off the ball, and it sailed right past me into the stands.

Not acceptable.

But valuable lesson learned.

Watching the clock go round, I purse my lips when nineteen minutes pass. On the dot of twenty minutes, the phone rings again.

“Scott,” I murmur.

“He’s in a place called Hemsway in the Lake District.”

Raising an eyebrow, I blow out a breath. “I’m impressed. See what you can do when you put your mind to it? Walk me through it.”

Through gritted teeth, he explains, “He left the offices, went to a getaway car about half a mile away in an underground garage. Took the M25, the M1, stopped at some services and took the M6 into the Lake District, where he went directly to Hemsway.”

“And you are certain you tracked the correct person?”

He scoffs. “Facial recognition software doesn’t lie.” A slight pause. “Okay, itcan, but not in this case. It was DeVare.”

“Thank you.”

“We’re even.”

“For now.”

Before he can say another word, I hang up as the door to the penthouse opens. “Kai,” I say, my eyes still on the city. “I’m going away.”

“Where to?”

“The Lake District.”

“Nice. Can I come?”
