Page 49 of Ruthless Empire

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That shuts up the rational part of my brain enough for me to slip out into the vast hallway, and keeping my back to the wall, I make my way inch by inch towards the stairs, hoping to fuck I don’t see Gideon’s dead body at the bottom of them.



Kicking the doors in, I level the gun I took from one of the guards. There were five, and I took out three of them. The other two are right behind me, but I wasn’t letting anything stop me since I was already here and everything.

“Well, well,” I say when I see Gideon straight away with a gun pointed at my head. “Look what I found.”

“You fucker,” he growls. “What did you do to my team?”

“Three down, two…” I jab over my shoulder and sidestep into the entrance hall as they barrel towards me.

“Stand down,” Gideon says. “I’m going to kill him myself.”



The massive guard that I wasn’t taking on for anything glares at me and trudges off with this colleague, presumably to check on the three I managed to get on the ground. They aren’t dead, but they will be aching for about a week.

“You’re such a dick,” I say. “Why? Why all the cloak and dagger?”

“Necessity. And why the fuck are we still talking? You came here to what? Kill me, or just kick my head in?”

“You threw me under the bus, you prick,” I growl as the old memories resurface. “Do you know the shit you left me in?”

“I know. I know everything.”

“Not everything. That day has come back to seek justice, and I swear, you are going down with me.”

He pauses but doesn’t lower his weapon. Neither do I.

“Who says we’re going down?”

“Sebastian Christchurch if he has his way.”

“That little shit,” he sneers. “He doesn’t have what it takes.”

“You been keeping tabs on him? You’ll find he’s levelled up a notch.”

“Several, but that doesn’t mean he can come at me and take me down.”

“Is that why you locked yourself up in here?” I gesture with the gun around the entrance hall. At this point, we are both posturing. If we were going to shoot, we would’ve by now.

“One of many reasons,” he growls. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”

“True, but I’m here now, so why don’t you humour me.”

“Get fucked, Dante.” He lowers the gun. “Let’s do this the old-fashioned way, hmm? I’ve been dreaming about kicking your arse for ten years.”

“Oh, same, Gideon. Same.”

I drop my gun on the table near the door while he lowers his to the ground.

Then we launch at each other, fists up and ready to go.

We’re a blur of motion, each of us a coiled spring of pent-up fury and long-awaited vengeance. My knuckles connect with Gideon’s cheek with a satisfying thump, and a trickle of blood spills from the corner of his mouth. He grins, a madman’s grin, and wipes it away with the back of his hand.
