Page 13 of Ruined Beauty

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And this," Sasha gestures to the young man behind him, "is Avel. You don't have to show him any respect, don't worry." He turns around. "What are you now? Twelve?"

Avel scowls. He looks like a younger Vlad, but he's not twelve. I'd say more like eighteen. Sharp cheekbones and a sculpted jaw, with hair just long enough to shade his pale grey eyes. This kid looks like he could bully a girl to tears, and she'd still be crushing on him.

I look past Sasha and wave at Avel. "Hi."

Avel waves back. He has the studied sneer of the arrogant youth, and I like him for it. Teenagers are teenagers, even in the bratva.

"Ignore him," Vlad says. "He's a moody prick, but we all had our moments when we were his age, so apart from the occasional slap round the head, we leave him be. Don't we,mladshiy brat?"

Avel flips him off, and I choke back laughter.

"Cheeky little shit," Vlad says.

He leads me to the only remaining stranger in the room, a lean guy with a grown-out buzz cut and neatly trimmed stubble. He's dressed in black, with a thin gold chain at his neck, and his eyes are as dark as the rest of him.

"This intense-looking motherfucker is Arman." Vlad slaps him on the shoulder. "His father was murdered, thanks tomyfather's inattention to detail—"

"Fucking watch your mouth, Vladi," Sergey says.

Vlad ignores him and continues. "—so he's now a member of this family. He's lived and worked with us for many years."

Arman doesn't smile, and I'm glad to let go of his hand. "Didn't you mention a sister, too?" I ask. "And your uncle?"

"David is out attending to some business," Sergey says. "Lilyana does not join the family in the evenings, but you will meet her eventually."

Tension is coming off Vlad in waves.Shit.This is all so dreamlike that I'd forgotten the grim reality. He told me to make it look good, so I'd better try.

"So I can't wait to marry Vladi," I trill, taking Vlad's arm. "When I met him, I never thought he'd be interested in me, but I guess I really lucked out!"

The silence is crippling. Sergey raises his eyebrows at me.

"Lucky, lucky girl. True love found you. Howspecial."

It strikes me that a game is being played, and I'm just one piece on the board, being moved around at the players' whims but with no knowledge of the bigger picture.

I want to get out of here.

"Didn't you tell me there's a terrace?" I grasp Vlad's hand. "Show me the view over the Palisades."

"You got it." Vlad nods at his father. "Morgana and I will move into the third floor, and tomorrow I'll get everything she needs for the wedding. Don't bring me any business until that's dealt with. Have a good evening, everyone."

Vlad's hand is on the door handle when Sergey speaks.

"Give her a kiss, Vladi."

Sergey sits perfectly still, his cold eyes fixed on Vlad. His sons are all staring at him, but no one says anything.

"I want to see the love you have for one another." Sergey clasps his hands together in his lap. "It's a wonderful thing. Humor an old man, won't you?"

Vlad squeezes my hand hard enough to hurt, and I bite my lip.

"I'm kidding." Sergey laughs. "Lighten up, boy."

Vlad says nothing. As we leave, he slams the door behind us.


