Page 60 of Ruined Beauty

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"I can't trustyou," he says, glaring at me. "I don't fucking know you."

"That's the whole point, David. Vlad wants to kill me, and he'll never stop hunting. You said so yourself. Who will cross him for me? You and I have a common goal."

"So if Vladi dies, you are off the hook."

Exactly, you old cunt.Now stop hemming and hawing and get with the fucking program. I want that bitch and her pretty-boy husband begging for their lives.

I stay silent, letting the idea percolate. If David Kislev has any integrity, he'll put that pistol to my head and blow my brains out.

"What exactly would I have to do?" he asks.

"Nothing much. Just tell a few lies."



We lie face to face in our bed, naked. We've done this many times over the last two weeks before or after having sex, but the closeness is enough for now.

Seeing Cassius has dragged me back into the hell he put me through. The manipulation, the lies, the violence.

I remember all too well the new relationship energy when I thought Cassius was amazing and we'd be together forever. The L word tripped off my tongue so quickly back then. Months later, when I was looking for good camouflage makeup to hide my bruises, I would think of those early days and curse my naïve heart for seeing only what it wanted to see.

I want to tell Vlad I love him too, but fear holds my tongue. He tried so hard to convince me he doesn't do love, and I was determined to prove him wrong. If he were right all along, I would have no one to blame but myself.

Is history repeating itself? Am I destined to love men who only view me as a possession, something to own but never to cherish?

Vlad runs his hand down my arm. "Seeing him today really messed you up, didn't it?"

"I feel better now." I smile as he strokes my back. "And you seem strangely calm."

"I was angry about what that fucker did to you." Vlad props himself up on his elbow. I got caught up in myself, brooding over the pain my father inflicted on me and livid he didn't get his comeuppance. But I was wrong."

I frown. "I don't understand."

"Papa is dead, and for the first time, I'malive. Falling in love is the best 'fuck you' ever."

He means it when he says he loves me. I see it in his eyes. Even if it doesn't last, right now, it's real.

"I love you too, Vladi."

He pushes me away so he can look into my eyes. "Fuck me, really? I never thought you would. I'm an asshole, Morgana. How many ways have I shown you that?" He furrows his brow. "You have fuckawful taste in men, you know."

My Vladi. Yes, he's toxic. He's arrogant, brooding, and occasionally downright difficult, and that's before I get to the murderous possessiveness. But under all that bullshit beats a tender heart, yearning for someone to accept his shattered soul and not judge him.

I roll into his arms, my head on his chest. He tweaks my nipple gently, and I bite my lip. "How could I not love you?" I ask. "You'renota complete asshole, as much as you tried to convince me otherwise. You just thought youhadto be one, and that's a different matter." I grin. "I must confess—I kinda miss hating you."

"Yeah. That was an interesting five minutes."

"Fuck you!" I slap his chest playfully. "So I had the hots for you, fine. But who did the kidnapping? You barely said a word to me before you carried my ass away like a sack of flour. That is not what is meant by a pickup line."

"Why don't you pretend to hate me, just for fun?" Vlad brushes my nipple with his fingertip. "Tell me what you imagined me doing to you when you touched yourself."

My body quickens at his touch. "I imagined you being rough. I guessed right, didn't I?"

"I'm versatile." Vlad slips his hand between my thighs. "I can ruin you any time; if that's what I want, there'll be no stopping me. But if you wanna give me orders and make me your slave, I'm into it." He slips a finger between my folds, and I draw a sharp breath. "I'm the king now, Morgana, and you are my queen. But a single word from your lips will bring me to my knees. Nobody else has that kind of power over me and never will."

Vlad's fingertip dips into my entrance, finding my wet core. He draws out the moisture and spreads it onto my clit, massaging it with the length of his finger. "Here." He lifts my leg, resting it on his hip. "Get closer, and let me do my thing." He cups my ass and pulls me to him, his erection hot against my stomach. "That's better. Now look at me."
