Page 67 of Ruined Beauty

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I snort. "So?"

"I told Vlad you're dead. It all went as planned—I shot Nico's face off, told Sasha and Vladi his corpse was you, and Sasha disposed of him. As far as anyone else is concerned, Nico left town with a ten-million-dollar bounty payment. I'll give that money to you if you agree to disappear, but I'm out."

I can't fucking believe this.


"When I told Vladi you were dead, I saw something in his face I never saw before. Did he put his woman before his bratva? Yes. But Morgana isn't his weakness. My nephew is in love, and it's given him something to be strong for. She's his greatest asset, and we'll go from strength to strength with her at his side."

Whatis wrong with this guy? Morgana isnothing.

"You think money is enough?" I ask, my voice rising. "I wantrespect. A position in a criminal syndicate. Your nephew got me thrown out of my bratva, and now I'm being hunted by people who should be my subordinates!"

"You'llneverbe bratva." I hear the contempt in David's voice. "Vlad wants to share his responsibilities with me, run our empire as a partnership. It's more than my brother ever did."

"So you're just a coward. Too afraid to seize what's yours."

"You sound like Sergey. Everyone thinks you're dead, you fucking idiot. I did you a solid. Take the money and go. Preferably, to another continent."

Ten million dollars is not chicken feed. But you can'tbuyinto a bratva—places are bestowed by birthright, bloodshed or marriage. I did my time, killed in Trusov's name, and was working up to a good relationship with him when fate threw my bitch ex into my path. Even as a ghost, New York and Chicago are off-limits. If someone recognizes me, I'm fucked.

Most would take the money and run.

My father's voice.You're a weak little bitch, Cass. No one will ever respect you.

"Okay," I say. "I have little choice. Make a deposit in escrow at JPMorgan, and send me the access code. I'll get out of town."

"Da.Then this number will be deactivated, and you'll never hear from me again."

David hangs up. I look out the motel room window and reflect on my future.

I've losteverything. No home, no bratva, no job. I thought Trusov respected me, but I was only useful. The moment I became a problem, he tossed me aside just for the approval of another powerful man.

I could buy yachts, houses, whores. But whenever I look in the mirror, I'll see a man who lost his hard-won place in the world just because he didn't kill one red-haired slut when he had the chance.

My father was right. Iama little bitch, after all.


One week later…


Ihaven't visited the Hamptons property in years, and I'd forgotten how beautiful it was. Sagaponack South has the most luxurious properties in the area, and ours has a spacious beachfront plot to itself. When we were kids, Mama would bring Sasha and me here when Papa's bullshit got too much.

Idiot that I am, I made a promise to my wife. She wanted to start our honeymoon at the beach, just the two of us, before we took my jet to Italy to see her parents. She was desperate to see the beach house, and with Cassius gone anddyadaDavid holding the fort, I could deny her no longer.

Morgana loves the place, of course. It smelled kinda musty when we arrived an hour ago, so she lit a candle in the lounge, and just like that, the house was filled with the scent of lemon and lavender.

The candles were Mama's favorites because they reminded her of her home in Tuscany. We have them at our home, too, but my father would never allow them to be lit. One of many things that's gonna change.

I just wish I could kick back and relax.

Morgana and I sit on the edge of the mini pier that links the deck to the beach, our feet in the sand.

"This wine is so good," Morgana says, pulling the bottle from the ice bucket, "but not as good as the view. I can't believe I forgot my camera."

"I'll get you another one tomorrow. If you're gonna be scatter-brained, I'll leave one in every house, every yacht…"
