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It felt like an ego bruise.

But there's a part of me that can't help but see the sadistic humor in all this too. Bailey, the rule-following workaholic, has got me, the notorious playboy, on the ropes. And for some reason, I find myself fucking liking it.

"Come with me," I say, downing the rest of my drink and pulling Steve away from the bar. We weave through the crowd, music thumping around us, our eyes locked onto the girls. As we approach, I see Bailey's eyes widen, her smile faltering for a brief second.


Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Logan?"

Rachel jumps in. "What brings you guys here?"

I glance at Bailey, her eyes meeting mine. "We thought we'd get a laugh or two," I say, keeping my voice light. "Life’s too short to be serious all of the time, don't you agree?"

The silence that falls between us is electric, the tension palpable. I can see Bailey's wheels turning, her mind working overtime to come up with a witty comeback.

And then, before she can respond, the lights in the bar dim. The show is about to start.

"Well, ladies," I say, gesturing towards the open seats next to them. "The fun is about to begin."

Steve and I take our seats next to them, me next to Bailey, and Steve to my right.

So much for playing by the rules, Bailey. Looks like you've finally met your match.



Why is he here?I ask myself.

This was supposed to be my night, my escape from the corporate circus and... Logan. Just when I thought I could let my hair down and have a few fucking laughs, there he is, smirking at me with that stupid attractive smirk.

The lights dim and the show starts.

Can't I catch a break from him?

I'm entangled in my own web of mixed emotions: annoyance, confusion, and a weird hint of... excitement? I quickly dismiss the last one.

It's Logan.

He's the last person I should be fantasizing about.

Here I am, fighting the urge to let my guard down and have maybe even a... good time?

My thoughts are interrupted by Rachel, who knows exactly what the fuck is going on.

She elbows me and I roll my eyes as if she can see me.

She knows. She knows I can't stand him.

A booming voice cuts through my thoughts, pulling my attention back to the stage.

"You know what the difference is between arrogance and confidence?" the comedian begins, with a dramatic pause. "Confidence is silent, arrogance needs a fucking megaphone."

Perfect comic timing.

The room erupts with laughter. I am laughing a bit louder and harder than everyone else. Rachel, catching on, doubles over with laughter, clapping her hands and pointing at Logan. It’s as if the comedian knew Logan was in the room.

From the corner of my eye, I see Logan’s smile go a little flat. His reaction does nothing but fuel my laughter. For a moment, Logan doesn’t seem like that invincible playboy; he seems... human. I shake off the thought and join Rachel in another round of laughter, ready for the next punchline.
