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Rachel is talking to me, her voice urgent, but her words are a mere buzz in my ears. I'm frozen, my world spinning.

I lower the phone from my ear, ending the call.

"Bailey, what is it?"

"It's Logan. He's... He's in the hospital. He was in a car accident."



Iwake up from a dead sleep to the sound of the hospital door slamming open. My head throbs, my leg aching. I try to sit up, but the pain shoots through me and I let out a groan.

"Logan! Oh, thank God, you're awake!" Bailey rushes into the room, her eyes red-rimmed from crying.

The sight of Bailey makes me smile a little bit.

She storms in, her eyes wide and frantic now. "What the hell happened to you, Logan?" Her demand is filled with an intensity I've never heard before.

It's kinda hot.

She scans my battered body, her eyes dart from bandage to bandage, all over my bruised body. She looks as if she's on the verge of tears, and yet, there's a fire in her too. She's just as angry as she is concerned.

"Got into a little accident." I wince as I try to sit up again.

"A little accident?"

She walks over to my bed, her hands trembling. I feel a little guilty. I never wanted her, of all people, to see me like this. Yet, at the same time, I can't deny that she's the only person I want to see right now.

"Logan, what happened?" she asks again, her voice soft but insistent. I sigh, knowing I can't avoid the question.

"I was driving back... after you got out of the car," I start, seeing her eyes flicker at the mention of her name. "It started raining, then it was pouring, and... I don't know... I guess I lost control."

I don't mention how distracted I was by the conversation I had with her.

"Someone pulled out in front of me, and when I tried to avoid them, the car drifted across the road and slammed into a streetlight. The airbag ejected but I guess that wasn't enough to keep me from getting a little banged up."

I attempt a smirk, trying to lighten the mood even though I can see that she's far from amused. Her eyes are filled with worry, her lips pressed into a thin line.

"I am okay Bailey," I try to reassure her. "Just a few cuts and bruises, nothing to worry about."

Bailey takes one look at me and I can see the fear in her eyes. She's trying to hide it, trying to act tough, but I can see right through her.

The nurse, a petite woman, walks in at that moment, breaking the tense silence. She rattles off a list of my injuries: a concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and a sprained wrist.

Bailey raises an eyebrow, folding her arms across her chest. "Oh, just a few cuts and bruises, huh?" She scoffs with sarcasm. "A concussion, a dislocated shoulder, and a sprained wrist. Really Logan?" She shakes her head, a mixture of annoyance and concern.

The nurse mentions that I'll need to be on bed rest for a few days with strict instructions not to exert myself. Bailey absorbs all this information, her eyes not leaving mine even as the nurse speaks.

"Why would you call me?" She looks at me with curiosity. "You have family. You have... other people." Her voice breaks on the last word, and it feels like a punch to the gut. She's right. I have a lot of people in my life, a lot of women, if I'm being honest. But none of them came to mind when they asked me who I wanted to contact to pick me up.

Bailey did.

I don't have the strength to explain it to her, though.

"You're the only one I wanted to see, Bailey."

