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I straighten myself, pushing off the wall.

I'll deal with my feelings for Logan eventually.

But not now.


I head out of the building, my mind shifting gears towards work.

* * *

A few days pass.Logan took a couple of days off to recover and I wasn't mad about the chance to focus on work, undistracted.

I'm already in the office by 8:00 a.m., preparing for the day's board meeting at 1 p.m. I sit with a cup of steaming hot coffee staring at the stack of project reports on my desk. Each document full of details of my current clients and the progress of each project. At the board meeting, we will discuss our ongoing projects, future prospects and where we see the company growing. It's a big deal, this meeting, and I can't afford to mess it up.

I'm going over more numbers and statistics when in walks Logan, the office Casanova with a cup of coffee. He places it on my desk next to my already half-empty steaming black coffee.

"Thought you could use a little pick-me-up."

I glance at the cup, a caramel macchiato.

My favorite. He knows. Damn him.

"I already have coffee. Thanks though."

"Bailey, I can see you're drinking that tar they call coffee. This—" He pats the cup. "—is the real deal. Your favorite."

I cut him off. "Well, I prefer my coffee like my work ethic: strong and uncomplicated. But thanks for the offer." I give him the politest smile I can muster, hoping he takes my hint and leaves.

No such luck. He keeps talking.

"I wanted to thank you for the other day, Bailey... after the hospital."

I stop my work and look at him. His dark hair is perfectly styled, his suit perfectly tailored. Despite the lingering bruises, he looks as if he's just walked off a GQ cover.

I can't find it in me to say 'You're welcome.' It feels too vulnerable. So instead, I find myself saying, "You clean up well, Logan."


Guess he wasn't expecting that response from me either.

"You're welcome. Now, if you don't mind leaving, I've got work to get to."

He studies me for a moment longer, then chuckles, shakes his head, his eyes a mix of humor and seriousness. "Okay, okay. Message received. It's back to Bitchy Bailey. Don't worry, I can take a hint."

As soon as the door closes behind Logan, I find myself swiveling around in the chair to watch him walk away. His confident swagger is unfair.

"Get it together, Bailey," I mutter to myself, "He's nothing but trouble."

Boy drama needs to wait.

Right now, the future of this company and my professional reputation are on the line. I pick up the next report and dive in, determined not to let the memory of Logan's smoky eyes distract me from getting what I want most.

* * *

As the clockhits 1 p.m., the boardroom fills with a tense energy, the air thick with anticipation and the scent of too-strong cologne. Fifteen of the company's top employees assemble in the glass-walled conference room. There's Maria, head of HR, known for her top-notch hiring process that allows only the best talent to step foot into our firm. Next to her is Harold, a wizard of finances who manages our company's number game so well that Wall Street could take lessons from him. And then there’s Jenna, head of R&D, her mind a beehive of ideas that have kept our company at the cutting edge of our industry.

At the head of the table is Mr. Atwood. He clears his throat, commanding the room's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. Our primary goal for this meeting is to discuss all ongoing projects, examine the progress, and strategize for the prospects that lie ahead. We'll look at our growth and potential areas where we need to focus more. This meeting is not just about acknowledging our wins, but about addressing our challenges and creating a plan to overcome them. Let's work together today and make this meeting a good one."
