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"Your work performance lately has been impressive, Bailey," he begins, his gaze steady on me. He reaches for a paper on his desk. "Your numbers, they've been off the charts." He continues, "In the past quarter, sales have increased by 27%, customer satisfaction is at a record high, and your team is more cohesive than ever."

I look at him, his eyes still on the paper, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Maybe he's being nice because he wants something.

I blink.

"Stay focused, Bailey. Keep pushing your boundaries." His voice drops a notch. "You've set a high bar. Now, it's time to raise it."

Is this a... a pep talk?

"We'll be making promotion decisions..." He pauses for dramatic effect. "Soon."


What's that supposed to mean? Soon, like tomorrow soon? Or soon, like next year soon?

Way to be vague, Atwood.

I nod at him, keeping my poker face.

"But remember, this is business," he continues, his voice dropping a notch. "We need to keep our emotions in check. It's not a place to get things... confused."

Logan... is he talking about me and Logan?

My cheeks flush.

He knows. He definitely knows about me and Logan.

"Of course, Mr. Atwood," I manage to choke out.

Does he know?

I bite my lip, pondering over the cryptic message. He couldn't possibly know about...thatincident, right? A frustrating, infuriating, knock-your-breath-out, pin-you-against-the-wall incident.

I mean, it's not like Logan and I... No.


I look at Mr. Atwood, a few stray hairs falling into his eyes.

"Well, thank you for the feedback," I manage to say, keeping my voice steady.

Way to keep it cool, Bailey.

The meeting ends on a weird note. As I walk out, I can't help but shake my head.

What the fuck was that actually about?

Like a woman on a mission, I march out of the office and towards the elevators, my heart still pounding in my chest. The metal doors slide open, and I step in, hitting the button for the break room floor with more force than necessary.

As the elevator moves, I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm the storm inside me.I try to make sense of what happened in that meeting.

Keep pushing your boundaries?His words repeat in my head.

Oh, if you only knew...

Bailey, stop it. This isn't a joke.
