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Bailey, are you sure about this?

My inner voice chimes in, a note of worry coloring its tone.

Yes, I sure am.

* * *

As the elevatordoors slid open, I step into Logan's penthouse. I look around, my mind drifting back to the memories of when I was lying next to him on the couch after his accident. I can almost feel the weight of his arm draped around me, the warmth of his breath lingering on my skin.

Get it together, Bailey.

You're here to work.

"Logan?" I call out. No response.

I venture further in, my eyes drawn to an open bottle of whiskey, casually standing guard on the counter.

A sigh escapes my lips. "Logan?" I call out again.

Where is he?

Suddenly, I am hit by a gust of wind, carrying with it the scent of the city nightlife. I turn to see the balcony doors wide open and there he is. Logan is leaning on the banister with a glass of whiskey in hand.

I walk toward him. "Hey."

"Here to lecture me about my drinking habits?" He raises his glass in a mocking salute. "Or is it my work ethic again?"

"Neither." I ignore the jab.

I notice something different in his eyes - a shadow, a hint of... hurt?

I blink, shaking the thought off. I'm not here to psychoanalyze him.

You're here to confront him, Bailey. Not coddle him.

"I found out, Logan. About the baby."

There, I said it.

His expression is unreadable. I ignore his body language and continue, "How could you? How could you not tell me? You got a woman pregnant, and you..." I swallow hard, pushing down the lump forming in my throat. "You had sex with me like it was... nothing."

I shake my head, stepping back from him. "I thought you were different, Logan. But you’re... you’re just like all the rest."

He meets my eyes, steady and unfazed by my words. He doesn't even seem surprised at all by my confrontation.

Of course. He's a jerk. He has no feelings.

He sets his glass down on the railing and steps toward me. "You know, Bailey... I'm used to insane assumptions. Of course, I'm the bad boy, right? The player. So, why wouldn't I get a woman pregnant and not blink an eye about it?" He leans in, his smirk returning. "Maybe... Maybeyou'rethe one who’s like the rest of them."

"What do you mean?"

“You are so quick to believe some rumors off the street, without even giving me a chance to explain." He moves closer, his gaze unwavering. "You think so little of me, Bailey, that you'd believe I would do something like this without even considering my side of the story?"

His eyes soften. He's hurting. "Those rumors... about the baby... they're just that. Rumors." His voice is raw, vulnerable. "I thought you knew me better than that."

I stand firm, crossing my arms in an attempt to shield myself from his pain. His confession, his hurt, it's all too real, too raw. It threatens to shatter the barriers I've built around my heart.

"I don't know what to believe, Logan. This... All of this is just... it's too much." I shake my head, taking another step back. "I can't do this. I can't be a part of this... this drama."
