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I see my phone light up.

See you then.;)

I wantto throw my phone but I fight the urge. I finish my glass of whiskey and knock myself out to get some sleep.

* * *

There I am,sitting on the park bench like some overprice-suited pigeon, impatiently waiting for this encounter.

My eyes drop to my phone.


She's late.

Maybe she won't come.

Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing.

No. I need her to come.

I need to settle this.

I look over to the left and she catches my eye.

Ah, there she is.


Walking toward me with that careless swagger that only comes from thinking you’re the center of someone’s universe. Her blonde hair is done up more than on opening night at the Met, and her make-up is so impeccably applied that Picasso would be jealous.

She's dressed to kill, but I'm not an idiot. I know this game too well.

She’s putting on a show, and as much as I want to appreciate the performance, I'm not about to be played.

She thinks I'm another rich idiot to be toyed with, but I’ve got news for her: I'm not one of her trust-fund fucking playthings.

Gina saunters up to me, the sway of her hips a mocking tease. She flashes me her best toothpaste-ad smile.

"Logan," she purrs. "When are you going to give in and admit that you’re the father of my child?"

Her words hit like a dagger. It would be comically absurd if it wasn't so damn serious. I keep my face neutral. Inside, I’m reeling. She's playing a dangerous game, and it's my turn to make a move.

"Cut the bullshit, Gina. You and I both know I'm not the father of your kid. You're trying to use me for my money, and your gold-digging tactics won't work here."

Her sultry smile is almost scary. Gina is a pro at this game, but I'm smarter than she thinks.

"I know what you're up to, and you better realize who you are fucking with, Gina. Before you get in too deep." I warn her.

"Logan," she whispers, her voice dripping with fake sweetness. "Let's not forget. You were the one to get into me too deep..." She cackles at me. "So eager to climb into my bed after your brother. So pathetic." She eyes me up and down.

I give Gina a cold stare, my patience with her theatrics wearing thin. "You and my brother thought you could manipulate me, set me up for your little soap opera.”

I point a finger at her, my words sharpened with bitterness. "You two are so desperate, you'll do anything for a bit of cash and a taste of the high life. You're both as shady as they come." I lean back, crossing my arms. "So go tell my brother that your little scheme didn't work. You're going to have to find a new cash cow."

"Oh, Logan... at least my 'cash cow' is not my owndaddy." She slinks toward me, her perfume making me want to throw up.

She leans up, pressing a sharp kiss to my cheek, her lips lingering for a touch too long.
