Page 35 of Aryan

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“I’m Alondra, Aryan’s sister-in-law,” she says, dropping the bomb in the silence.



I swear to god, I am going to jail! He’s married?!I think to myself as I stand there, taking in the scene.

“Sister-in-law? As in?” Josh asks in the silence.

“As in, he’s married to my sister,” she responds, and I damn near faint. My brain is playingTetrisin my head, putting all the pieces in place. I am so shocked I can’t even move. I am flabbergasted, hurt, and pissed all at the same time. I can’t say if the tears are from the hurt or the anger it’s probably a bit of both. There has to be an explanation for this it has to be. I drop my head down when I realize I am struggling to breathe.

“Please calm down, Brooklyn, before you go into preterm labor,” Savvy says to me, coming over to wrap her arms around me. “Jag, get your brother before he ends up dead.”

“Well, at least we know Savvy’s dad wasn’t the one who married you,” Josh says, referring to Anson and Megan.

“Yeah, leave me out of it!” Anson says.

“Talk!” Josh snaps so loudly we all jump.

“I don’t have shit to explain to you or anyone else,” Aryan snaps back.

“The fuck you don’t! Some woman comes in here saying she’s your sister-in-law and a kid in tow..”

“Is the kid yours?” I manage to ask. He looks back over to the very beautiful woman standing there with a teenage boy before swinging his eyes back to me, “No.”

“But you don’t think you owe me an explanation?”


“Nope, it’s a yes or no answer,”

“It’s complicated,”

“It’s really not, Aryan. The explanation might be complicated, but admitting that you owe me an explanation isn’t complicated at all,”

“You’re right, it’s not,”

“I just need some fresh air,” I say, staggering towards the door.

“Baby, go with her,” Atlas says. “Make sure she’s good.”

“Savvy,” Jag says.

“On it,” she responds, following me out.


If someone had asked me what’s the craziest unexpected thing you could see happening, I still would not have said this. There are no adequate words to describe how I feel right now.

“Forgive us, Alondra, and ….” Jaasiel trails off, waiting for the young man's name.

“Salove,” he says, his eyes never leaving the table.

“Come in and have a seat. Are you hungry? We have plenty of food,” Jaasiel offers, obviously picking up on the fact that Salove never took his eyes off of the food.

“We don’t want to intrude,” Alondra says, even though she looks like she is just as hungry.

“A little late for that,” Parker says.
