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“You know, her and Trevor and Adam against me and Dad. If you’re there, it will be fair, we won’t be outnumbered.”

“You make it sound like a war!”

“It will be!” she swung to face me. “But not with bullets and guns, rather pina coladas and platters.”

I frowned. “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

Summer smiled. “Then say you’ll come with us.”

Her sad little face and those big eyes looking at me, how could I say no?

“Okay,” I said, rolling my eyes, and she threw her arms around me, giving me a big hug.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she said, squeezing me tightly.

“It’s just two days, right?” I laughed, wondering what I’d gotten myself into.

“Exactly! And you might enjoy it!”

“I’ve never been to LA,” I said and I felt a spark of excitement then.

“Maybe you’ll love it,” Summer said.

“But you hate it?” I said.

She shrugged, “Not all of it, some parts are nice.”

“Oh yeah, like which parts?”

I wanted to hear her say something nice about the city in which her mother lived. I wanted her to cheer up and think of positive things. And… I wanted to know if there was anything I could look forward to.

Summer thought for a bit.

“Venice beach is okay, I mean, I’ve gone roller skating there. And it’s nice for ice cream.”

“Oh, ice cream! You know I love ice cream!”

“I know!” Summer laughed. “And I like Malibu, it’s okay, I guess.”

I was beginning to look forward to this weekend.

Even though in the back of my mind, there was a little voice telling me not to be fooled by Summer’s little face. This is a bad idea, the voice said. You’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing.

It wasn’t just the lying. It was the pretending to be Tate’s fiancée.

We would be close, spending a lot of time together, having to play the part of a romantic couple. It was dangerous, considering what had already happened between us and what I was trying very hard, not to have happen again.

So far, it was working. We were very professional and cordial to one another. Sometimes there would be a bit of a vibe and then we’d talk of something else, move away. He had not so much as accidentally touched me in weeks.

“Why me anyway?” I asked Summer. “Isn’t your dad seeing Jacqueline? Why don’t you guys take her along?”

Summer pulled a face. “I don’t like her. She’s stuck-up.”

“Is she?” I pretended to be surprised but I was secretly pleased. Summer preferred me to the gorgeous Jacqueline.

“When she talks to me it’s always in this weird voice, like she’s talking to a four-year-old.”

Summer put on a funny voice to imitate Jacqueline “Oh, look at the pretty drawing you made!”

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