Page 32 of The Tomboy

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“Wow, Dad!” I teased, pulling off a piece of bun and handing it to him.

“Don’t mess with me,” Dad joked, pounding his hand on his chest before inhaling the bun.

“Do I get one of these every time we win? Our next game is Thursday,” I said with a laugh.

“Mmmm, twice a week?” he grimaced. “That’s not gonna be good for you.”

We talked about the match and I was quite surprised at how well versed Dad was about doubles tactics.

“You need to get Grace to serve down the middle more so that you can cut off the return,” he said.


“Yeah, and sometimes you were getting too far back in the court. Stay on the baseline.”

“Ooooh—kay,” I said dubiously.

Dad chuckled. “Don’t worry, I haven’t become a tennis expert overnight. Though Mom and I did win the Kirkville social grade mixed doubles before you were born! Your friend Max...he’s pretty clued up.”

At the mention of Max, a rush of heat rose up my neck, landing on my cheeks. I grabbed my iced mocha and took a long, cooling sip. As Grace, Esther, Destiny and I had left the locker room, I was hoping Max might still be around, you know, so I could check my stats, of course. But he was nowhere to be seen.

“Uh, apparently he’s Coach Clay’s brother,” I mumbled with the straw in my mouth, my heart thundering in my chest.

“I know. He was pretty impressed with you,” Dad said, raising his eyebrows, a silly smirk plastered on his face.

“He used to date Bianca Holbrun,” I blurted out, hoping to put a dampener on his pathetic insinuation.

“Don’t worry, I know all about that, too,” Dad said, tapping the side of his nose.

“I need a shower,” I said, leaping up and abandoning my drink. I ran up the stairs to my room to grab a change of clothes, and that’s when a text pinged on my phone.

It was Coach Clay:Congrats on your wins today! Max said you played great. See you tomorrow.

I smiled, not because of the congratulations, butMax said you played great.Max had told him I played great! For some crazy reason, my heart fluttered.

My phone pinged again, and my eyes widened. It was another text from Clay with the words:Skirt optional,followed by a row of laughing emojis.
