Page 73 of The Tomboy

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“Hi Tennessee, I’m Millie Conway.” She gave a formal introduction, listing her reporting credentials. “Thanks so much for doing this. I have a list of questions, if that’s okay.”

“Shoot,” Tenn replied, his grin in no danger of leaving his face any time soon. I knew that feeling, utter joy after a victory, the high, the pride, the satisfaction.

Millie was flicking through her notepad. “Uh, um...oh, here we go. Tenn, what was the team feeling after that result?”

“Amazing!” Tenn said, “Absolutely amazing!”

Millie looked a little stunned, like she was expecting more, but carried on when Tenn high fived more kids passing by. “Uh, what do you think worked well for the team today?”

I smiled—it was an excellent question, one Mom used to ask me after a tennis match, a way for me to analyze my strengths.

“We worked as a unit,” Tenn said. “We’ve trained hard pre-season, we’re all committed to making this the best season ever.”

Millie nodded, her pen working furiously.

Cullen, Sawyer and several other boys came up and swept Tenn into their group. “Tenn, let’s go.”

“We’ll have to finish this later?” Tenn said. “See you at Cullen’s place?”

Flustered, Millie stammered, “Wh-what? Wh-when?”

“My place. Later,” Cullen extended the invitation to all of us, singling me out with my own high five. “See you later, Frank!”

“Looks like you’ll have to go to the party,” Max said to Millie.

Millie grimaced. “I don’t think so. Maybe I’ll catch up with him at school. I’ll go and get started on this report.”

“You won’t go to the party?” I asked. I wasn’t a party person, but it seemed it would be fun to celebrate with the team.

Millie shook her head. “I’ll see you guys later.” She scuttled away before I had a chance to persuade her to stay.

“Guess that just leaves you and me,” Max turned to face me, threading his fingers through the full length of my hair.

“Hmmm,” was my only response as I instinctively leaned closer to him, my body tingling from his caress.

Max’s hands slid down my back, holding me around my waist. His eyes flashed with a promise of things to come, and I reached up to his shoulders, my fingers resting on the nape of his neck, flicking through his hair.

In a spellbound moment, I tilted my chin, and though we were immersed in the deafening din of the football stadium, it was like we were the only ones in existence. In our own little world.

Max’s lips descended on mine, grazing them with a soft touch, teasing tiny kisses that claimed me little by little, sending delicious shivers up my spine. As he drew me in closer, slow became eager, gentle became energetic. In the background, fireworks exploded, the band struck up another tune and confetti cannons blasted.

No, they weren’t for us; they were to celebrate the Covington Chargers’ victory, but right then, I knew the win belonged to me, game, set and...

Yep, Max Saunders was my perfect match.
