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I noticed first that the crowd was thinning out around me, until there was nobody around for twenty feet. What was weird was, they were watching. Waiting. Like they were expecting something.

Next, three giants walked through the inmates and into the open space. All of them white dudes, all of them at least 6’2”, all of them weightlifters with massive biceps. And all of them neo-Nazis, with shaved heads and a ton of swastikas displayed prominently amongst their tattoos.

“I heard you’re a rich motherfucker,” the leader said, an especially ugly asshole with a black beard.

I just stood there, relaxed but alert, as the other two slowly walked around to flank me on either side.

Three against one.


“I said, I heard you’re a rich motherfucker,” Ugly repeated, this time pissed off. “What, you don’t hear so good?”

“No, I just don’t speak ‘asshole,’” I said.

Ugly turned red. He was getting angry, which was good – it would make him sloppy.

“You fuckin’ idiot – do you know who I am?”

As he continued to yell at me, my mind raced.

Was this a legitimate fight?

Or had ‘somebody’ paid them to do this?

My eyes scanned the periphery of the prison yard, looking for the guards.

I couldn’t see a single one closer than three hundred feet – and all of them were looking away.

This was definitely a set-up. She’d paid off multiple parties for this to happen.

Miranda,I thought, if I get out of this, I am going to kill you with my bare hands.

“You’re fuckin’ NOTHIN’ in here, you understand me?” the lead guy yelled.

I kept the other two skinheads in my peripheral vision. None of them had shivs… or at least weren’t showing them yet.

The odds were against me. They knew it, I knew it.

Time to negotiate.

“Let’s make a deal,” I said. “Somebody paid you to come after me. Don’t deny it, we both know it’s true.”

I could see it in his eyes I was right. Bad poker player.

“Whatever she offered,” I continued, “I’ll pay you triple.”

“‘She’?” the guy laughed. “You think a bitch put me up to this?”

Good point. If Miranda was dealing with the Aryan Nation, she wasn’t doing it directly. She was doing it through five intermediaries and she would probably kill two of them, so she could never get caught.

“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’ll still pay triple.”

The two guys on either side of me looked to their leader. They were obviously distracted by what I was saying – which was good. Their minds weren’t in the game.

Ugly sneered at me. “Bullshit.”

“You know who I am. So you know I’m good for it.”
