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Armin was the bodyguard tasked with keeping me safe while Johnny was away. He drove the Mercedes away from the airfield in New Jersey, back towards Manhattan.

“They’re gone,” I told Eve.

I’ll keep tabs on them once they land. Trust me, they’ll be fine.


My phone beeped at me. It was running low, at less than three percent power.

“Eve? I’ve got to go, my phone’s about to die.”

No worries. Get some sleep and I’ll get back with you in the morning.

“Okay… thank you for everything, Eve.”

You’re welcome.

I handed the phone over the front seat to Armin. “Could you plug in the charger? I don’t want it to die.”

“Sure,” Armin said, and took the phone from me.

I settled into the passenger-side backseat and closed my eyes.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, Armin spoke up, trying to make conversation. “It’s been a crazy couple of days, hasn’t it?”

“Mm-hm,” I said, not really wanting to talk right now. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was nap on our way back to the penthouse.

“It’s a shame about everything that’s happened to Mr. Templeton,” he continued.

I didn’t know if he was talking about Connor or his father, but I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire, so I just said, “Yes it is,” and kept my eyes closed.

“Losing his father…”

So he was talking about Connor.

“…getting thrown in jail… that attack by the skinheads…”

Every statement was like a nasty jab to my heart. I was upset enough, I didn’t need to think about it more.

“Armin, not to be rude, but I’m really tired,” I said, my eyes still closed. “I’m just going to take a nap back here.”

He kept talking. “And now Johnny and Sebastian are gone. Japan and Tanzania. And you’re all alone.”

I opened my eyes, annoyed. “Armin, I just want to… take a…”

I looked out the window.

We were on a completely dark street – some sort of industrial warehouse section. There wasn’t another car on the street anywhere, except for a couple parked in the darkness.

This wasn’t a major thoroughfare.

This wasn’t the way back to Manhattan.

“Armin, where are we?!” I asked, alarmed.

“He’s going to be even more upset when he hears about you,” Armin said quietly.
