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“What happened?”

“A psychotic break. What a layperson might call a nervous breakdown.”

“Does she… does she recognize Vincent?”


I ran my hand through my hair and pulled at it in distress.

This was beyond fucked up.

“Where’s Miranda?” I asked, remembering why I had come.

The woman didn’t say anything.

“Miranda Lockwood, her daughter-in-law,” I said, pointing to my mother. “Where is she?”

“I’m not going to discuss anything with you. You can take it up with security,” she said, and pointed.

Three broad-shouldered men in suits and ties were walking through the trees towards us. Johnny tensed for a confrontation. I shifted my feet into a fighting stance, though I didn’t raise my arms – yet.

I was wondering if this would be a repeat of the fight with the skinheads.

Except these guys looked better trained… and they were most probably armed, too.

The bodyguards stopped about ten feet away.

“Mr. Templeton, if you’ll follow me,” the lead guy said. “Your brother wants to see you.”

I hesitated, looked back at my mother, and then started for the house. Johnny fell in step behind me.

The bodyguard put out an arm. “Just you. Not Mr. Inaba.”

I looked back at Johnny, gave him a subtle nod, and then walked off to the house to face my brother alone.
