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When I first came back to some hazy semblance of consciousness, I felt things gently rocking beneath me, like I was adrift on a raft on a lake.

I opened my eyes.

I was in a small, dark, windowless room, with a strip of light coming from beneath a door.

I was lying in bed – a narrow bunk set into a wall, with a thin mattress underneath me. Just a few feet away from me was a toilet and a sink. Other than that, the room was bare.

My throat was dry as sunbaked concrete. There was a chemical taste on my parched tongue.

Then I remembered.

The crunch of metal. The shattering of glass.

The sickly sweet smell on the wet cloth forced against my face.

Overcome by panic, I fought to sit up.

Whooooaaa… that isn’t good.

Nauseated, I lay back down and waited for the drugs to wear off. Or at least for the room to stop spinning.

While I lay there, I tried to figure out where I was.

The rocking sensation was real. It was gentle, but it was definitely there – so I was probably on a boat.

Where the boat was, though, I had no idea. New York Harbor? A marina somewhere? The Indian Ocean? Who knew?

Since that proved to be a dead end, I tried to remember more about the accident.

I remembered what had been said right before:

Now Johnny and Sebastian are gone. Japan and Tanzania. And you’re all alone.

He’s going to be even more upset when he hears about you.

Do you have your seatbelt on?… Good. Hang on tight.

And as the chemical-soaked cloth covered my mouth and nose –



Armin had kidnapped me, with the help of someone else.

I almost asked ‘Why,’ but the answer was obvious.

Or rather, the ‘who’ was obvious.


As soon as I realized it (and yes, it took a little while, but hey, I was on drugs), my panic shot through the roof.

I tried to get up again, and ended up falling off the bed onto the floor.
