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“You think it’s safe,” Miranda scoffed. “You’ve been eating enough of it the last two days.”

“Maybe this time it isn’t,” I said tartly.

“If I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t poison you.”

“Maybe you want to give us some other kind of drug.”

“Then I would have my men inject you. We’re far past the point of subtleties and subterfuge.”

Well, that much was true.

I sat there in silence as Sebastian continued to eat. The entire time, Miranda watched us with clinical detachment, the way a scientist might regard two mildly interesting bugs.

After a long silence, my curiosity finally got the better of me. “So I’ve been here two days?”

“More or less.”

“But you just brought Sebastian onboard?”


“Where are we?”

“Aboard a ship.”

What a bitch. “You know what I mean.”

“These are the questions you want to ask?” she asked coolly, with a trace of amusement to her voice.

“I didn’t think you’d answer anything else,” I snapped.

She just watched me with half-lidded eyes and made no effort to answer.

“Okay, fine,” I said, taking her up on her implied challenge. “We know you were delivering guns to Tanzania. What were you doing in Venice and Tokyo?”

“You’re right, I’m not answering that.”

“Something that would make Mr. Templeton try to cut you out of the business, though. Is that why you killed him?”

“I had to, before he signed that will.”

Both Sebastian and I stared at her.

“Oh yes, I know all about it. Koffitz thought he was being discreet, but I have eyes virtually everywhere.” She smiled slightly. “As you well know.”

Oh, I knew, all right.

“When did you get Armin to turn to your side?” I asked.

“I didn’t ‘turn’ him. I inserted him. He was mine from the very beginning.”

“That’s impossible!” Sebastian sputtered. “We went through everyone’s backgrounds with a fine-tooth comb!”

“Apparently not fine enough,” Miranda said. “Although I am impressed with how you found out all the little details over the last few days. Was it Eve Saunders who was helping you?”

I tried not to react, but my poker face is nowhere near as good as Connor’s. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Of course you do. I know Grant Carlson visited you in the last few months. And I know you helped him and a woman escape to Europe. Since the press tied the two of them together, it was simple deduction, really. I’m quite impressed. When my men find her – and they will, eventually – they’ll make her a very generous offer to come work for me. And if she turns that down, they’ll kill her.”
