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I unlocked the door and drew back the extra bolt keeping it shut. Because of the severe tilt of the ship, Sebastian spilled out into the hallway, almost on top of me.

He looked at me in shock as he registered my face. “CONNOR?!” Then he threw himself on me, weeping, his arms around my neck. “OH MY GOD, CONNOR!”

“Good to see you, too, buddy, but we gotta go,” I said, hustling him along with me.

“Connor, you’ve got to get him out of there!”

“So guide me!” I yelled.

“First door on your left leads to the deck – take it!”

We burst through the door, down a short passageway, and onto the deck. Wet, salty air rushed across my face. On the horizon, the first hint of dawn was beginning to glow over the waves.

Behind us, gunfire erupted in the main hall. BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM!

Sebastian screamed.

“What do we do now?” I asked Eve.

“Throw him overboard.”

I stopped, shocked. “Are you serious?”

“The ship’s going down anyway. Get him out of the firefight. Is the sun rising yet?”


“That’s due east. Tell him to swim northwest – there’s an island about half a mile away.”

I grabbed Sebastian. “Tell me you can swim.”

He looked at me in confusion. “Yes – why?”

“You’ve got to go in the water.”

The confusion turned to horror. “What?!”

“Head northwest – there’s an island half a mile away.”

“Are you crazy?!”


The wood door splintered behind us.

“Never mind,” he said as he put one foot on the rail. Just as he was about to dive, he turned back. “What about you?”

“I’ve got to find Lily!”

“She’s that way, in a room at the front with Miranda!” Sebastian said, pointing at the prow of the ship.

“Thanks!” I said, and started running.

“Be careful, Connor, Miranda has a gun!”

“So do I!”

The last thing I heard was a splash. When I glanced back, he was gone.
