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Whrrrrr CLICK.

I was handcuffed.

“JOHNNY!” I yelled, seriously miffed.

He stepped back, folded his arms, and grinned. “Go on.”

I sighed, although it was more of a Grrrrrr. Then I reached up into my hair and pulled out a bobby pin.

I’d worn a few ever since Johnny had started teaching me, precisely for this reason: because he liked to surprise me and suddenly handcuff me to a chair or a car door or something stupid like that. The few times I hadn’t had a bobby pin on me, he’d let me sit for half an hour yelling at him in frustration. I’d since learned my lesson.

“You suck,” I muttered.

I removed the plastic nibs at the metal ends, then bent the pin until I had a tiny ‘L.’ Then I put the ‘L’ into the keyhole, bent it until the tip unlocked the ratchet –

Zzzzzzz.30 seconds, beginning to end.

Connor and Johnny both clapped.

“I think that’s a new record,” Johnny beamed.

I unlocked the other cuff and dropped them on the floor, like I was a rock star dropping a mic. BOOM. “Can I go now?” I asked sarcastically.

“Actually, I think I’m done for the evening,” Connor said. “You can go on up, Johnny.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Go spend some time with Anh,” he said, winking.

“Won’t argue with that,” Johnny said.

In a moment, Connor and I were alone.

“Everything okay?” Connor asked as he toweled the sweat out of his hair.

I caught a whiff of him as he came closer. Funny – even when he objectively smelled bad, I still thought he smelled good. Like, rawr, jump his bones good.

“Yeah, just bored,” I said, though now I was feeling a little horny.

“Really?” Connor asked, dubious. He bent over, picked up the handcuffs I’d dropped, and started toying with them, running the circular part through the cuff. Rrrr click… rrr click…

I considered telling him about Sebastian and Javier, but I’d kinda sorta promised not to tell. Even though it was killing me, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

“Yeah, that’s it. Just bored.”

“Not worried about Miranda tomorrow?”

The mention of her name ran through me like an electric shock. I’d forgotten about dinner, but now all the unpleasantness came rushing back.

“No,” I said, though I didn’t sound all that convincing.

“I can tell her to go fuck herself if you want.”

“I was serious when I said I’m not a fragile flower,” I said, annoyed.

“I know.” He walked over to me and put his arms around my waist. “It’s just… I don’t know how I’d react if I had to deal with one of your evil exes all the time.”

“Yeah you do. You’d be Mr. Confident Billionaire Badass and intimidate the hell out of him so he’d leave me alone forever.”
