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I knew back then that Mr. Templeton had been worried about Miranda. But Connor had never believed me. Oh, he believed me that his father had said those things – but he thought they had been calculated for some effect, some Machiavellian plot.

Now I could see that he thought differently.

“Lock her out of the company,” Connor said.

“It’s not that easy.”

“Augustus Templeton is telling me it’s ‘not that easy’ to get rid of a competitor?” Connor said mockingly.

It was strange that the tone of the conversation had turned from Connor attacking his father, to now provoking him into action to protect the family empire.

I would never have predicted that at the beginning of the meal.

Mr. Templeton sighed. “She’s related to me now.”

Connor’s face darkened. “That didn’t stop you from disinheriting me.”

Mr. Templeton looked his son directly in the eyes. “I never thought you might kill me.”

For the second time that night, Connor and I were shocked into silence.

Connor finally asked, “Are you serious?”

“The thought has crossed my mind.”

“Jesus… then you have to get rid of her. Immediately.”

“As long as she can persuade Vincent to take her side – which shouldn’t be too difficult, given her charms and his… less capable faculties – she will always exert influence in the company.”

“I don’t believe I’m hearing this. Do you really want to see your legacy fall into the hands of a monster?”

“No,” Mr. Templeton said wearily. “No, I don’t.”

“Then you have to do something.”

I saw a flicker of annoyance in Mr. Templeton’s face. He obviously wasn’t happy having anyone tell him what to do – especially his estranged son. “I’m looking into the matter.”

Connor frowned. “What are you thinking of doing?”

What followed was one of those classic movie moments, where Mr. Templeton opened his mouth as though to speak… and then something in his eyes shifted. After a short pause, he closed his mouth and smiled.

“I’m tired of talking about the daughter-in-law I detest. Let’s talk about the one I look forward to starting a relationship with.” He looked at me kindly, and raised his glass in a toast. “Let me be the first to welcome you into our family.”

I was overcome with emotion, and choked up as I raised my glass.

“Unfortunately, I think you’re going to be the last one to welcome her,” Connor muttered, but he raised his glass, too.

My fiancé almost ruined the moment, though it was darkly funny.

Not to mention true.
