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Only Johnny and I made the trip. Though we trusted Leo, Eve didn’t, and she refused to give us the address unless the two of us went alone.

“You’re paranoid,” I told her.

Yes. And you should be, too.

“Hey – if you’re able to listen in on everything that’s going on, shouldn’t I be worried the NSA can, too? Or Miranda’s people?” I asked.

I’ll know if they are, and I’ll tell you if I can’t stop them. Don’t worry, I’m being paranoid on your behalf.

Four hours later we found ourselves in Sylvan Beach, New York, at an isolated cabin in the woods near Oneida Lake. It was an okay little vacation spot for a blue collar family, but it didn’t fit my image of anything a rich Manhattan attorney would frequent.

Johnny and I got out of the car and walked along the gravel driveway. Someone was there, because a silver BMW was parked next to the house.

I walked up onto the porch and knocked. When no one came, I knocked louder and called out, “Mr. Koffitz?”

“Go away,” a muffled male voice said inside the house.

Johnny looked worried. He stepped up onto the porch, but I stopped him by holding out one of my hands.

“Mr. Koffitz, please, I’ve driven a long way to talk to you,” I said.

“Go away,” the voice insisted.

I was wary of telling him too much, in case he thought that Connor actually killed his father… but at this point, I didn’t have much choice.

“I know you were talking to Augustus Templeton before he died,” I said.

“I have a gun!” the voice yelled inside.

Johnny reached inside his jacket.

No!I mouthed at him.

Time to go all in.

“I’m Connor Templeton’s fiancée, Mr. Koffitz, and I know he was framed for his father’s murder. Please, can you help me?”

There was a long pause.

After a few seconds, the door opened a crack. A man I assumed was Koffitz looked out. He was in his 60’s, with silver hair and rimless glasses.

“You’re Lily?” he asked, his voice paranoid.

“Yes,” I said, overwhelmed with relief.

“Who’s that?” he said as he glared at Johnny.

“My bodyguard and Connor’s good friend, John Inaba.”

Koffitz looked at me. “You trust him?”

“With my life.”

Koffitz looked past us to the deserted road. “Did anyone follow you?”

