Page 11 of Scarred Assassin

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Looking back at it now, I was sure He made that plan since the creation of the first man. That was why He hadn’t stopped creating.

Sometimes, we were destined to destroy ourselves and we never even realized it. All our quest for money, fame, attention and other worldly things were all a part of His plans for us to cause our own destruction without knowing it.

God knew it all, didn’t He? Then He must have known that Adam and Eve would eat the apple. He could have stopped it if He wanted to, but what was the fun in that? He waited for them to eat it and then expelled them out of Eden.

He could have stopped them from making such a big mistake.

I was dressed in my usual all black –tight jeans, long sleeved tucked out shirt, a pair of trainers, and a mask. I had three knives on me, because I barely used guns. They were too loud for my liking.

Coming out of my car which was parked about 15 miles from the penthouse, I threw my cigarette out, gathered my hair in my hand and packed it into a bun, covering it with a head cap. I walked toward the penthouse, looking at the watch which told me that I had fifty two minutes to twelve o’clock.

More than enough time.

I liked a really dramatic entrance which was why I had this precious fire extinguisher with me. Once I got to the penthouse, I’d throw it into the compound before the camera captured me, to distract the guards for my entrance –and I did just that.

I flipped twice and hid behind the shrubs, watching them run toward the gas with guns. Dumbos. My eyes saw the camera move and I flipped again, but the camera turned back and started beeping loudly, which meant that I had moved too fast. Shit!

I heard some movements. They were coming toward the shrubs. I sighed and straightened myself up. They flinched at my sudden movement and I almost laughed, they actually flinched.

This was not the entrance I planned, but it was still dramatic as hell because of my miscalculations. “Hey boys.” They all looked at themselves confused as to why I was not making a move to run now that I had been caught.

“Don’t ignore me, it makes me sad.” I noticed there were three with me, instead of six. Did Mrs Grey let her guards down by having six guards instead of the normal twelve?

“Who are you?” One of them –the tallest one– blurted out and the others stared at him. Are these guards?I mean guys make a move.

“I could tell you. But I’m not a really good speaker, so I’ll just show you.” I jump-kicked the tallest one, the sudden sharp motion causing him to lurch a bit with the gun falling from his hand.

The shorter one tried to fire, but I easily lept around his shoulders, tilted his head up and swung my knife through his neck. After letting him fall, I turned to kick the third guard to the ground and used him as a shield to receive the bullets fired by the tall guard.

“Don’t do that to him, now he’s dead.” I taunted and with a growl, he pressed a button on his vest. He was calling on the others and in less than a minute, six guards ran from the upper floor.

Oh they were nine.

And they were leaving Mrs Grey unguarded, these stingy stupid rich people. I mean who employed these dumbasses as guards? With my divided attention, I felt a kick on my left arm. I grabbed it and groaned in pain. Another kick landed on my leg, causing me to fall to my knee. The first guard smirked to himself at his job well done.

I’ll kill him, I swear.

He placed his gun on the side of my head and I raised my hand in submission. He removed my cap and pushed the gun further to my head, which actually hurt. “Who sent you? What do you want?” This was the mistake they made, talking instead of killing. I am not a good speaker bitch.

I smirked. “I want your dead body and as for who sent me, you’ll know when you get to Heaven.” I grabbed his dick in my hand and squeezed it.

Damn, he was small for his big stature.

He groaned in pain and tried to fire his gun, but I booted his knee. Once he fell, I tilted his head to the side to have a look at the six guards still running toward us. Using his gun on him, he dropped to the ground with just a bullet. The six guards started shooting and I ran to hide behind the shrubs.

Firing three bullets, two guards fell to the ground, leaving me with four guards. I tried to fire again, but cussed when I ran out of bullets.

Ignoring the pain in my left arm, I swung one of my knives which sliced someone’s throat in a quick smooth motion. He grabbed his throat, choking as blood spouted from the injury. He fell on his knees and I saw the guards realizing that I was actually here to kill. About damn time.

The guards started running back into the house, I thought to take Mrs Grey to safety, but that was too late. With three somersaults, I stood in front of them and they all pointed their guns at me.

See, they didn’t shoot. Were they going easy on me because I was a girl? Personally, I thought it was a stupid thing to do.

I waved my blood coated knife in front of them with a smile on my face.

“Guns? Oh come on, you are men. Won’t it hurt your pride if a bullet kills me instead of your big arms?” I smirked at them as I hit on their egos and got the reaction I wanted. They looked at one another, communicating with their eyes and I stared in amazement. They were actually thinking about it?

After what seemed like forever, they dropped their guns and flexed their muscles at me.
