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Chapter Eight

Feeling that the windwas blowing from the north, Layla pulled the quilt on Jake’s bed more tightly around her. She knew more visions were coming, and she was already shivering in response to them.

“Are you cold?” Jake asked, his voice low and gravelly, as he pulled her closer into the warmth of his embrace. His strong arms wrapped around her, offering both comfort and protection.

“A little,” she admitted, turning to face him, “but it’s more than that. The brings me visions.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Jake’s concern for her was evident in his eyes, a testament to their growing love for one another.

“Stay with me,” Layla whispered, pressing her forehead against his chest. “Hold me close while I see what the future holds.” As the gusts grew stronger outside, Layla felt the familiar sensation of her mind being pulled away into the world of visions.

In the vision, Layla saw herself standing in front of a crumbling old house, the wind whipping her hair about her face. She could feel the malevolent presence lurking within, tugging at her heart like an icy hand on a string. Women, their faces twisted in agony, were trapped inside, victims of an insidious plot too cruel to imagine. And behind it all, the ghost of a man who had seduced them and left them to die.

“Jake,” Layla gasped, coming back to the present with a start. Her breath was ragged, her body trembling. “We have to find a way to banish the ghost. He’s dangerous, and we’re the only ones who can stop him.”

“All right,” Jake agreed, determination shining in his eyes. “We’ll put an end to this ghost’s reign of terror.”

“Thank you,” Layla whispered, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for the man who had sworn to stand by her side.

Over the next two days, Layla and Jake tirelessly researched methods to banish the malevolent spirit, poring over ancient texts and consulting with their friends Max, Fiona, and Bella. The group decided to meet up on Saturday for lunch to discuss their findings and plan their next steps.

“Max, Fiona, Bella,” Layla greeted them warmly as they entered the cozy café, grateful for the support of her friends in this dangerous undertaking. “I can’t thank you enough for helping us with this.”

“Of course, Layla,” Fiona replied, her eyes filled with empathy. “We’ll do everything we can to help you and Jake put this ghost to rest.”

As they discussed their research and shared ideas over steaming cups of coffee and hearty sandwiches, Layla couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of hope. With Jake, Max, Fiona, and Bella by her side, she knew they would conquer the darkness that threatened to consume them all. And in the process, she and Jake would forge an unbreakable bond that would withstand the test of time.

“Have you asked Mildred about the Harringtons?” Layla asked Fiona.

“I can’t believe I forgot to tell you about that!” Fiona said, shaking her head. “I have a bad case of pregnancy brain.”

“’re pregnant?” Bella asked, squealing with excitement. “My first niece. Well, I guess she could be a nephew, but it feels like it will be a niece, doesn’t it?”

“Congratulations,” Layla said, doing her best to hide her jealousy of her friend. Fiona was married and now she was expecting. How could her life be any more perfect? Well, perhaps she could quit seeing ghosts. Layla wasn’t sure how she would handle always communicating with ghosts.

After they’d settled down following Fiona’s announcement, Fiona explained exactly what Mildred had told her.

“It was Clarissa Harrington who killed Mildred and buried her in the backyard. She and Lillian’s graves are touching,” Fiona said, referring to the ghost she’d run into multiple times at the haunted mansion.

“Does she have any ideas for what we can do?” Jake asked.

Fiona shook her head. “No, she doesn’t, but I think it would be smart to talk to Lillian as well.”

Bella groaned. “How many times are we going to go back to that house?”
