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Layla nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on the images that flickered in her mind. “It’s about the ghost we’ve been trying to banish,” she murmured. “We need to find another way.”

“Maybe you should talk to Fiona and Max,” Jake suggested, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “They might have some ideas.”

“Right.” Layla took a deep breath, steadying herself as the vision faded away. “Let’s go find them.”

They made their way to the cozy living room where Max was sitting on the couch with Bella. The low hum of conversation filled the air, interrupted only by Fiona’s laughter—a sound that seemed to chase away any lingering darkness.

“Guys, we need your help,” Layla said as they entered the room.

“Of course,” Fiona replied, eyes shining with curiosity. “What do you need?”

Jake interjected, his protective nature making him speak up for Layla. “Layla just had another vision about him. We need to find a different approach.”

“Interesting,” Max mused, stroking his chin. “Have you considered trying to communicate with the ghost’s wife?”

“We’ve talked about it over and over, but can’t seem to pin her down.” Bella chimed in. “She must know something about her husband’s actions.”

“Maybe we could hold a séance?” Layla proposed, feeling a flicker of hope. “Try to speak with Clarissa without having to face the danger at the mansion.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Fiona agreed, excitement dancing in her eyes. “Let’s give it a shot.”

Together, they began the séance, reaching out to the spirit world for answers. And as the wind howled through the trees, Layla held onto hope—for their mission, and for the love story unfolding between her and the brave firefighter who had captured her heart.

As the group continued with the séance, Layla’s thoughts drifted to the man she had fallen in love with. She remembered the way he had looked at her when they met. The intensity in his gaze had made her heart flutter. And as they worked together to uncover the truth behind Rebecca’s disappearance, Layla had grown to love him more and more.

She wondered if he felt the same way about her. She knew they were both consumed by the mission, but she couldn’t help but hope that they could find a way to be together.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, and the candles flickered. Layla’s heart raced as she felt a strange presence in the room.

“Clarissa?” Bella asked tentatively.

A low, guttural growl answered instead.

The group froze, their hearts pounding as they realized they had made a grave mistake. This was not Clarissa’s spirit they had contacted.

As the growling grew louder, Layla felt a hand grab her ankle. She shrieked and tried to pull away, but the grip was strong and unyielding.

In the dim light of the candles, she could see the outlines of dark figures surrounding them. They were not alone in the room, and the spirits they had summoned were not friendly.

Layla’s fear turned to panic when she saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring at her from the shadows. She knew then that they had opened a portal to another world, and something had come through.

The growling turned into a sinister laughter, and Layla realized with horror that they were trapped. The séance had gone horribly wrong, and they had invited a malevolent spirit into their world.

As the laughter echoed through the room, Layla’s mind raced. They were surrounded by darkness, and there was no escape. She looked over at Jake, hoping to find strength in his eyes, but he too looked terrified.

They had no idea what was about to happen, but they knew one thing for sure: they were in grave danger. The dark figure started to move toward them, slowly, deliberately, as if relishing their fear. Layla could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and she could hardly breathe.

Suddenly, the figure lunged at them, and Layla felt its cold, clammy hands wrap around her throat. She gasped for air, trying to break free, but it was no use. The figure was too strong.

As she felt herself slipping away, Layla’s mind turned to the man she loved. She thought of all the things she would never get to experience if she died here, trapped in this nightmare. She thought of the warmth of the sun on her face, the taste of her favorite meal, the feel of his arms around her.

And then, just as she was about to pass out, she felt a sudden surge of energy. It was as if something inside her had snapped, and she knew it was Charles who was threatening her. And then, she lost consciousness.

Not too much later, she woke, and looked up at Jake, who was hovering over her, and saw the kindness in his eyes, and for the first time in a long while, she felt safe.

As they made their way out of the dark room, Layla couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that the dark figure wasn’t the only one out there, and that there were others waiting in the shadows.

They emerged from the building and were met with the sounds of sirens and the flashing lights of emergency vehicles. Layla felt a sense of relief wash over her as she realized that they were safe.
