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Chapter Ten

They all gathered aroundthe table in the small hidden room in Fiona’s cluttered bookstore as a team. The air was heavy with tension and curiosity, the scent of old books mingling with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

“All right, everyone,” Max began, his strong jawline set in determination, “we need to figure out who’s been helping Clarissa with these kidnappings.”

Karl ran a hand through his short-cropped brown hair, his eyes focused on the worn map spread out before them. Bella stood by his side, her wavy raven locks shimmering in the fading sunlight as she tried to sense any emotional clues that might help them uncover the identity of their mysterious accomplice.

“Could it be someone from the town?” Layla asked, her bright blue eyes scanning the faces of her friends as the north wind whispered outside, bringing no premonitions this time.

“Everyone’s a suspect at this point,” Jake chimed in, his muscular arms crossed over his chest.

Fiona looked around at her friends. “We need to find Clarissa and ask her directly. Maybe we can convince her to stop all of this.”

“Let’s do it,” Karl agreed, his voice firm but laced with an undercurrent of vulnerability. He glanced at Bella, who nodded in support, her piercing green eyes filled with resolve.

With a shared sense of urgency, the group left the bookstore and headed toward the haunted mansion on the outskirts of their small Texas town.

As they approached the grand yet dilapidated building, the sunlight diminished behind heavy clouds, casting the mansion in eerie twilight. Ivy crept up its walls like ancient veins, while the once elegant windows stared back at them like hollowed-out eyes.

“Clarissa,” Fiona called out hesitantly, her voice echoing through the empty halls as they entered.

“Please, come talk to us,” Bella added, thankful that the moon was beginning to peek through the clouds. “We’re here to help.”

For a moment, the mansion remained silent, before a chilling laughter echoed through the air, sending shivers down their spines. Clarissa appeared before them an enigmatic smile playing on her lips.

“Help?” she mocked, floating inches above the floorboards. “I don’t need your help. I have someone who understands me far better than any of you ever could.”

“Clarissa, please,” Karl implored, his voice cracking with raw emotion. “These kidnappings, they’re hurting innocent people. You don’t have to do this.”

“Enough, Karl!” she snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously. “You cannot begin to comprehend my reasons or my pain.”

“Who’s helping you?” Max demanded, his voice strong but betraying a hint of desperation. “Tell us, and we can work together to find a solution that doesn’t involve harming others.”

“Work together?” Clarissa spat, her laughter once again filling the room. “You think I would trust any of you? No, I have my ally, and we will continue to do what must be done.”

“Clarissa, please,” Fiona pleaded, her voice soft but unwavering. “We don’t want to see you suffer like this. Let us help you find another way.”

Karl’s heart pounded in his chest as he stood with Bella, Fiona, Max, Layla, and Jake in the dimly lit room of the haunted mansion. The air was thick with tension and dust, making it difficult to breathe. They had come here to beg Clarissa to stop her shenanigans, but she seemed as determined as ever.

“Clarissa,” Karl implored one last time, his voice cracking with emotion. “Please, reconsider what you’re doing. We don’t want to see anyone else get hurt.”

The ghost laughed, her chilling gray eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and malice. “Then I think it’s time to close your eyes.”

“Clarissa, we know you’re angry,” Bella interjected, trying to reason with her. “But taking your rage out on innocent people won’t bring you peace.”
