Page 40 of A Chance Fall

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Like she believed that would ever actually happen. It would be years before he would probably get back to her. She knew she would have to figure this out on her own. It was ridiculous, but she was used to it by now. She should have known that Carl was going to be no help.

It made her happy to know that at least he was miserable somewhere out in his travels. He'd made her miserable for so long, it was finally his turn to face the consequences of his actions.

April took a deep breath and tried to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't let Carl's behavior ruin her daughter's future. "Fine. I'll figure it out on my own," she said, her voice steady.

"Thanks, April. I really appreciate it," Carl said, sounding relieved.

"Don't thank me yet," April muttered, hanging up the phone before he could say anything else.

She sat there for a few minutes, trying to come up with a plan.

As she walked to the room she had to clean for the guest arriving, she had trouble thinking anything at all. It was like the gears inside of her head weren't spinning. It was full of spider webs, exhausted from the day's troubles.

The room she had to turn over was full of trash from an older single man. It took her minutes to clean everything from the ground and tables.

As April cleaned, she couldn't help but think about how unfair it was that she had to do everything on her own. She had always been the responsible one, the one who made sure everything was taken care of. And now, she had to figure out how to support her daughter all by herself.

April knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to do whatever it took to provide for her daughter. She couldn't let Georgia suffer because of her father's irresponsibility.

The cleaner she sprayed on the wood smelled strongly of lemons. She made her way to the bathroom, where she would spend the most time scrubbing. As she began to use a sponge on the counter, she noticed something she hadn't when she was cleaning out the trash.

Something else had gone missing. The space beside the sink wasn't always so empty. It once held a gold soap dispenser. Obviously it wasn't pure gold, but it shined and gave the white counters a pop of color.

It was another one of her favorite pieces, even though this one they just picked up from the local department store and not from the antique shop.

April felt a pang of anger and frustration rise within her. How could someone just steal a soap dispenser? It seemed like such a small thing, but it was just another added stressor to her already chaotic life.

Whoever was stealing was really beginning to bother her. It wasn't a coincidence anymore. Not just a single object taken by a guest. This was something else entirely.

She had worked hard to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for her guests, and it hurt to know that someone had taken advantage of that.

It had definitely been here before the last guests arrived. She knew because she had filled it up herself when Millie asked where the soap was kept.

In that case, it either had to be the last guest that was here or who she had suspected earlier when something from her own room went missing. It had to be her father.

April's mind was flooded with anger. How could he do this to her? She had already been struggling to make ends meet, and now he was taking things from her own home. It was a violation of her trust and her space.

It was hard to imagine that anyone else could be responsible. He was the only one connected to them all. And he was here all day, with access to her room.

She finished cleaning the bathroom, trying to push the anger and frustration to the back of her mind. But it loomed in the back of her mind.

Her father had been stealing from her. After everything she was doing for him. She was more than frustrated.

All of her anger was taken out as she scrubbed the bathroom floors. She put her bad energy into the sponge and hoped it wouldn't come back again.

As she finished up her cleaning, she left the room, proud that it was spotless. The lobby was nearly empty, but she heard guests shuffling and mingling in the kitchen. Which reminded her of how hungry she was.

That's when she saw him. Her father, walking out of his room and straight up to her.

How could she trust him after knowing that he was probably stealing her things? She was furious, confused. Was it really him doing this to her after all they'd been through?

Could he be the one stealing her precious items that she spent so long picking out?

April's eyes narrowed as she looked at him, trying to find any hint of guilt on his face. But he just smiled at her, a fake and overly sweet smile that made her blood boil.

April tensed up as her father approached her, her fists clenching at her sides. Whatever was happening in her bed and breakfast, she wanted to know. And she wanted answers, now.

Richard's smile spread across his face. "Hey, hun. Are you ready for dinner?"
