Page 10 of Raylan & Winona

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“No. I have a bad reaction to the pill so I have never taken it and considering I wasn’ know I saw no need to.” She nods like she has solved some sort of mystery.

“I am assuming Raylan doesn’t either. Has it ever occurred to you that this was his plan? Men like him and my husband, hell I am convinced this whole damn town full of men, once they find their woman their goal is to get us pregnant and keep us pregnant.” The smile on her face tells me she has been through this herself.

“I mean well yeah he says that but I figured it was something they say you know, in the heat of passion.” She giggles and looks at me like I am adorable or something.

“Girl I have come to understand these men say nothing they don’t mean.” Yeah, Ray has proven that to me over and over again. “The only real question is how will you feel if this is positive?” I have been asking myself that question ad nauseam since the other day when I woke up for the fourth time nauseous and dizzy. I have teetered between ecstatic and terrified for days. Well until now.

“Happy. I am going to be happy. I think I have been holding myself back from really being in this wholeheartedly, anticipating something happening to take it all away, but it hasn’t changed anything. I am in love with my husband and I want to start a family with him.” Patting my hand she stands and I do as well.

“Then go and find out the results of that test and go tell the love of your life.” When she voices the words I could never say, hope and light bloom in my chest. He is the love of my life. He is the man who saved me from loneliness and an empty dark existence of self pity. He has shown me over and over that I am his everything and that he will stand with me against anyone, including his own flesh and blood. He is the beacon I have been searching for but never thought I would find.

Walking into her bathroom I no longer feel as if I am on an unbalanced plank. I pick up the test, the results of which I already know the answer to and when I see the words I have been secretly hoping for, tears of happiness fall from my face. “Thank you, Lady Rachel. I have to go.” I say over my shoulder before hauling ass out of her house.

I know I have time to do something special, extravagant even since he is at work but all I can think of is getting to him and finally telling him what I have been holding back.

I park the car and walk into the lobby. Seeing that it is not as busy as the last few days, I walk into his office letting out a sigh of relief when he is there alone. “Kitten? What’s wrong?” he asks getting up from his desk and coming around to me. I can do nothing but smile and stand on my tiptoes to kiss the man who has changed my life.

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong.” I tell him, taking my mouth from his. “In fact everything is right.” I place the test in his hand and watch his face go from concerned to elation.

“Is this..are you..a baby?” he can’t form the words and I can’t say enough.

“Yes. I’m pregnant and I love you so much, Ray. I am so in love with you it scares me thinking something could take you from me, but I don’t want to live in fear anymore. I want to fall into this life and let myself be loved and love in return.” In awe I watch this strong, virile man cry in front of me before falling to his knees and kissing my stomach.

“You don't know how long I have waited to hear you say that, kitten. I have loved you from the moment we met and you fell to the floor playing with the animals at the adoption event. I knew then I would do anything to have you and protect you.” He looks down at my belly and lifts my shirt. “And now you have given me the greatest gift.” Running my hands through his hair, I smile while tears rain down my face.

“Thank you for waiting for me.” I tell him, watching his eyes turn from emotional to predatory. Standing he pulls me into his arms and kisses the air right out of my lungs. His hands grip my ass, hoisting me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist.

“I am never going anywhere, baby. You are the beginning and end of me, wife. You and our child are now my entire existence. You never have to thank me for fulfilling my destiny. I love you, kitten.” He doesn't give me a chance to say it back. He simply kisses me until I am naked, on his desk in his office, making love to the love of my life like I plan to do until my last breath.
