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I consider locking myself back in the laboratory, but there’s no way to bar it from the inside, so instead I try to distract myself.

It’s not that difficult when I consider that Abra’s plan to humble me has backfired.

I’m sure she planned on me slaughtering the servant girl. To the queen, the loss of a servant would be well worth the havoc it would wreak on my relationship with Nox, but my head is fairly clear now, and I’m free to roam about the castle.

Might as well make use of it.

I consider what would irritate the queen more than anything else, and to my pleasant surprise, I find the idea that strikes me would also help Nox.

When I enter the corridor, I’m pleased to discover it’s nighttime. No sneaking a path from shadow to shadow to avoid the windows that haven’t been barred by tapestries of Zora. The only thing I have to avoid is the detection of servants, mostly for their benefit than mine. I suppose I’m technically free by Abra’s bargain. Nox was the one locking me up, after all, but I still don’t want the queen finding out what I’m planning.

So I slip through the dark castle, blissfully undetected.

I can’t helpmy disappointment when I don’t find Nox in his room or in my previous cell. I suppose this means he’s researching in the library he and Gunter made from their collections. He’s told me about it, but I have no idea where it is, so I don’t bother wasting my time looking for it.

I’m not sure how long I have until the queen notices that her servant is waltzing about the castle, suspiciously not-drained of blood.

After confirming that Nox isn’t in his room, I cross the hall and push on Gunter’s door. It creaks open with little resistance. I suppose there’s no use in locking it now that there’s no occupant.

The room is thick with years of flavored incense, though I suppose none has burned in here since Gunter’s death.

I try not to look, but the spinning wheel in the corner catches my attention. It’s large, almost shoulder height, and it’s made of what looks to be dark-stained walnut.

The tip of the spindle glints when I light the lantern hanging next to the doorway. It’s white, and looks to be made of bone, and I can’t help but think it looks sharper than spindles are supposed to.

And then there’s the loom, the same one Gunter wheeled into my cell to work on as we “took a break.” That’s what he’d claimed, but he’d been working for Abra all along.

I’d thought it was sweet, initially—the way he’d crafted those tapestries in Zora’s memory on Nox’s behalf.

I’m not sure what I think about it now, knowing what I do. Knowing he wasn’t respecting her memory at all, but trapping her in worlds foreign to this one, in a multitude of lives that aren’t real—not truly.

But I suppose it doesn’t matter what I think of Gunter, of his intentions.

All I need right now is his knowledge.

Because Nox didn’t succeed in delivering the parasite over to the queen, meaning Zora is still trapped.

And I intend to free her.

Then Nox can turn his back on this place and never look back.



It might have taken anyone else days to rifle through Gunter’s mess of a room. Stacks of books and scrolls and vials are neatly piled throughout the space, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re still piles.

Still, I’m used to messes, having created them my entire life, and I feel quite at home rifling through his. Besides, I know better than to look through the stacks. That’s not where I would hide something important.

It takes me no time at all to dig through the heap of flax next to the spinning wheel.

In the center is a leather journal.

I know before I loosen the strap binding its pages that it’s exactly what I’m looking for.

The journal is not Gunter’s first, which is evident by the way he’s numbered his entries.

I notice immediately that he dates them not by standard years, but by years of captivity.
