Page 14 of Most Eligible Boss

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As Jeremy and I arrived at our hotel in Boston and settled into the modern and elegant adjoined rooms, the day's burdens slowly dissipated for me, leaving only giddy anticipation of the following day’s activities and the opportunity to see a new city.

We decided to venture out for dinner after unpacking and freshening up. The atmosphere between us was light-hearted, as if all the tension from our previous discussions had vanished, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and possibly some curiosity about where this alone time might lead us.

The restaurant Jeremy selected for us was charming, boasting intimate lighting and a cozy ambiance. As usual, he requested a corner table, perfect for an intimate meal out of the public eye. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, blending work-related matters with personal anecdotes. It was hard not to think of it as a date because that’s what it felt like.

Over glasses of wine, laughter filled the air as we playfully bantered and teased each other. Our exchange took on an alluring flirtatiousness that was unexpected but highly wished for in the days leading up to the trip. Despite maintaining professionalism throughout, denying the crackling chemistry between us was impossible, punctuated by lingering glances and subtle touches. I found myself captivated by Jeremy's eyes when he smiled. It was evident that our connection was affecting him just as deeply.

When dessert arrived at our table, Jeremy leaned in closer with a husky whisper that sent my heart racing. "You know, Jill," he murmured, his gaze locked onto mine, "I've been contemplating your wardrobe again."

A blush tinged my cheeks at his words as my excitement peaked. "Oh?" I responded softly.

He chuckled while tracing a pattern on the tablecloth with his finger. "I meant what I said in your review," he continued. "Your sense of style is unique and sets you apart in a positively striking way. However, I sometimes believe you underestimate the impact it has."

My head tilted slightly as I sought to understand more. "How so?" I asked.

Leaning even closer, his breath caressing my ear, he spoke intensely. "Well, you seem to have this uncanny ability to stand out in a crowd effortlessly."

I smiled at him playfully. “You know, you’re not so bad at that, either.”

He gave me a playful grin as he leaned back into his seat. We finished our dessert in the electric anticipation of our return to the hotel.

Back in the hallway at the hotel, our glances communicated volumes as an unspoken understanding lingered in the air.

Standing at his hotel room door, temptation overwhelmed me. I couldn’t resist any longer. Turning to Jeremy, my voice trembling but resolute, I started talking, "Jeremy...regarding your critique of my clothing..."

He looked at me with an encouraging smile, genuine interest shining in his eyes. "Yes, Jill?"

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, then continued. "I value your feedback immensely. It means everything to me. However, I want you to understand that I will always strive for a balance between professionalism and individuality regarding my sense of style, and anything anyone has construed as too revealing wasn’t intended that way. I like to feel good about myself. I’m very body positive."

Jeremy nodded thoughtfully. "I never want you to be anything other than yourself," he responded sincerely. "Your unique sense of self is an invaluable asset to the team."

Relief washed over me, and I responded with a grateful smile.

He took his own nervous deep breath, then continued. "I have to admit that I find you incredibly attractive, also, and at the risk of sounding unprofessional, maybe my attraction to you had something to do with how often I’ve noticed how you wear your clothes. Other women in the building may have open buttons and equally short skirts. I just haven’t paid enough attention to them to see it. You, though- that’s another story. It is somewhat distracting how beautiful you look in your clothes. It makes me only envision how gorgeous you must look out of them…”

My heart skipped a beat at his words, and a warm flush crept up my body until it met my cheeks. The honesty in his confession was both surprising and thrilling. It was as if a dam had burst, releasing the pent-up tension that had been building between us.

I met his gaze playfully. "You know," I teased. “If we’re ever going to figure out how to maintain some professionalism with all this attraction brewing between us, we might want to head inside your room and discuss it further. It would be good to work all this out before the conference starts. Don’t you think?"

Jeremy's eyebrows shot raised as a mischievous smile pulled at his lips. "Are you sure that's the best idea for us?" he asked. His eyes were filled with a mix of desire and hesitation.

I stepped closer as my fingers lightly traced a path up his arm. "I think nothing gets resolved without a nice, long, hard conversation. What better time or place to have such a conversation than here, where nobody will question the time we spend together?”

I watched as his resolve melted in response to my touch. The tension between us was simmering to the surface as he looked me up and down thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right," he replied, his voice husky with desire. "We wouldn't want any rumors spreading."

We entered his room together, closing the door behind us. The air was charged with electric energy as we stood mere inches apart.

I stepped closer to him, my hand grazing his chest lightly. "Jeremy," I whispered, my voice filled with desire, "Let’s talk."

His response was immediate and passionate as he pulled me into a heated kiss, his lips seeking mine with hunger. The tension that had built between us over weeks was finally released in a rush of desire, and the world outside the hotel room seemed to fade away.

As we succumbed to the undeniable chemistry between us, I couldn't help but think that sometimes the rules were meant to be bent, and passion had a way of breaking through even the most rigid boundaries.

That night, in the heart of Boston, Jeremy and I would embark on a journey that defied convention, fueled by desire and a connection that had grown too strong to resist.

As we kissed, I stripped off my clothes, guiding him to sit at the foot of the bed. Standing in front of him in nothing but my black lace bra and panties set, I gave him a sly smirk.

“What do you think of this?” I teased. “Is it too revealing?”
