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“Go again!” he calls.

I wish I could stand close enough to soothe him.

Abel tries pulling Laura into his lap during the scene but misses and falls off his Santa throne. Laura jumps away in time to avoid getting hurt.

“Cut!” Luca clenches his fists but exhales deeply, choosing restraint over aggression.

There's an edge to Luca's voice, his patience wearing thin when he confronts the actor. The tension between the men is palpable.

“Get it together, Abel. Act professional, for everyone's sake.”

Abel tips his chin towards me. “Why should you care? You’ve got your hands full with that tasty bit on the side.”


Luca shudders. I barely have time to breathe before he delivers a perfect uppercut, smashing the actor's jaw.

The sickening sound of bone on bone makes me feel like throwing up. But the pain isn’t enough to stop the drunk actor, who lunges at Luca, fists flying. My heart jolts.

As the men grapple, Abel stumbles, barreling into Laura, who lets out a shrill cry of surprise.

Kaiden's face hardens into a mask of fury. He swiftly catches her before she can hit the ground.

“She's pregnant,” he announces as stunned silence falls over everyone.

As Kaiden leads Laura away, I fly to Luca's side, my heart pounding and stomach flipping.

Luca's lip, marred by a deep cut, is already swelling, matching the puffy flesh around his cheek and eye.

Although it's a terrifying moment, Luca has never looked more handsome. He fiercely protected me and others around him.

I grasp his hand, eyes darting over his knuckles. He only has a few scrapes. “Oh my god. Are you okay?”

“No broken bones,” he says but winces when he presses his fingers to his lips.

“Come with me. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

My arm winds around his waist, steadying and guiding him to a quiet corner away from prying eyes.

He slumps into a chair, his gaze unfocused. I hurry to retrieve a first-aid kit. I've glimpsed this raw edge of Luca before, but never in public.

I get the sense he's working through deeper frustration, as if a hidden layer of his soul is clawing its way to the surface, aching to break free.

I swipe disinfectant over his knuckles, carefully avoiding the deepest cut. “You were spoiling for a fight, huh?”

“Abel had it coming,” Luca snaps.

“You really roughed him up.”

“You sound surprised.”

I've always wanted Luca in my corner, with his complete focus on defending us.

Leaning in, I whisper, “I know what you're capable of. You're unstoppable.”

“You haven't seen anything yet,” he says, all fired up. "I'm only warming up.”

When he moves closer, his thigh grazes mine, and I start to feel a pulsing sensation between my legs. I ache to kiss him, but people will see.
