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“Why do you care about Audrey’s happiness?” Mom interjects, her voice rising.

My nails dig into the leather armrest as I lean forward, holding their gazes for maximum impact.

“I love her, that's why. And you’ve forbidden your oldest friend’s daughter from me. Why? I don’t understand why you two are so hell-bent on keeping us apart.”

The words land like an indictment in the tense air. Dad rubs his forehead, carefully considering his response.

“Son, things get complicated when personal and professional relationships mix.”

I expect that excuse. “This is about my life, not yours,” I shoot back.

“It's not just business, Luca,” Mom says, voice strained. “It's decades of trust between our families. We don't want to jeopardize that.”

I laugh bitterly. “So you ruin my future instead? Acceptable collateral damage?”

Acid churns in my stomach as I refill my glass. Dad meets my eyes. “There are things you don't understand.”

“Enlighten me,” I press, my patience worn thin.

Dad leans back, fixing me with an inscrutable look. “It's ancient history. No need to re-open old wounds.”

I bristle. “Well, your 'history' is ruining my future. I deserve the truth.”

All I know is our family changed their name when they immigrated from Italy after the war. But what does any of that have to do with Audrey?

Mom touches Dad's arm. He bows his head, facade cracking as sorrow carves lines across his face.

Voice thick with emotion, he recounts a generations-old tale of forbidden love and enduring family feuds. Of secrets twisting like barbed wire, tearing lives apart.

I listen, rapt. There are hidden burdens in our family, still carried in pained silence. Witnessing this rare emotional side of him, I understand my father’s stubbornness and drive stem from deeper wounds than I realized.

As Dad finishes the story, I sense he's holding something back.

I steer the conversation back to my burning concern. “What does Audrey's family have to do with this?”

“They're from the same village. They understand.” His reply is vague.

I pounce on it. “But Audrey and I don't! Why punish us?”

He meets my stare, shame, and remorse flooding his eyes. “The lovers in the story are your Great Uncle Lorenzo and Audrey's grandmother.”

I'm shocked into silence, trying to process this revelation. Stunned, I have to ask, “Does this mean Audrey and I are related?”

Mom crosses herself as Dad shakes his head. “No,” he says firmly.

At least that potential problem is ruled out.

“You always said Nonno had two brothers. Now, there was a fourth - Lorenzo? Why haven't I heard his name before?”

Dad's lip curls in disdain. “Lorenzo caused trouble. The affair brought much suffering, and his name became cursed.”

“A curse.” My voice breaks.

Dad sighs heavily, regret shadowing his face. “We meant well. We tried to guide you.”

Mom whispers through tears, “We made sacrifices for the greater good.”

The ‘greater good’ cost me years with Audrey. I smash my glass against the wall, causing shards to scatter across the floor.
