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“The Fire department?”

I shrug. “We didn't call.”

“Don't want them breaking down the door on Christmas Eve,” Dad mutters, leaning the broom against the counter.

* * *


Roberto's eyes narrow as they meet mine, judging me silently.

“Evening, Roberto.” The door clicks shut behind me, the echo a stark reminder that I'm not entirely welcome here.

Roberto's piercing gaze remains fixed on me. “Your parents called earlier. They told me you had…words.”

Heat surges through me. I'd already decided not to burden Audrey with the news tonight, but the audacity of my parents calling Roberto infuriated me.

“You mean secrets,” I shoot back, letting the accusation hang.

“Telling Audrey—is that what's best?” Roberto challenges.

I force myself to hold back my anger. “I’m not the one keeping secrets.”

Roberto sighs, a heavy, resigned sound that grates on my last nerve. “I was protecting her from the past.”

I don't want his excuses. “By keeping her in the dark about something that happened so long ago that you all believe is a curse?”

I glare at him, waiting for a response, but he’s silent.

“That's not protection, it's manipulation,” I snap.

“Don't hurt her, Luca,” he warns.

I ball my fists, anger swelling inside me. Hurting Audrey is the last thing I want.

“Maybe it's time you let Audrey make her own decisions.”

“Be careful, Luca,” Roberto warns, but his words fade as the kitchen door suddenly opens.

“Luca? What are you doing here?” Audrey asks, looking surprised.

The moment I see her, I sweep her into my arms and spin her around.

As I set her down, Roberto makes a snarky comment, matching the stormy expression on his face. I ignore him.

“Merry Christmas,” Roberto mutters bitterly before leaving the room.

Audrey turns to me. “I missed your call earlier, but you didn't leave a message. Was it something important?”

I was supposed to wait for her at the apartment but couldn't wait any longer.

“We need to talk.”



Why is Luca here when he was supposed to wait at my apartment?
