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Eyes wide as saucers, Edie whisper-shouts, “Pssst...the ducks are on the pond!”

Given the tension from earlier in the day, her coded warning sends a buzz through the room. I catch a look of anxiety in Scarlett’s eyes.

“Luca’s at it again, huh?” I ask.

Edie’s head bobs and a loose smattering of curls escape the edges of her beanie. “I wouldn’t want to be in his crosshairs, not today. Steer clear, okay?”

Dipping a washcloth into a bowl of warm water, I wring it out and pat Scarlett’s face. “Any idea what set him off this time?”

With a skittish glance at the door, as if half-expecting Luca to materialize, Edie shrugs. “No clue, but it won’t be you.”

“Thanks for the heads-up, Edie,” I say, focusing on my work.

Edie retreats, closing the door softly behind her. Scarlett’s eyes lock onto mine in the makeup mirror. “What’s the deal with you and Luca?”

I flinch, caught off guard.

“There’s nous,” I quickly reply, wishing it weren’t true.

Scarlett grins. “Really? Your eyes say different, honey. And the way he looks at you, girl, anyone would think you hung the moon.”

I laugh it off. “We’ve been friends for years.”

She shakes her head. “Classic denial, and—”

Before Scarlett can probe further, the trailer’s steps rattle and groan. The door swings open, and Luca struts like a lion claiming his territory.

Ignoring Scarlett, his gaze lingers on me. I look away, face flushing with heat, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach.

“Ever heard of knocking?” I sass.

Scarlett gasps, shocked by my audacity, clearly not used to the crew talking back to Luca.

Luca glares, fists balled by his sides. “Scarlett, can you report to Ryder in Security for a headcount?”

Scarlett nods, then looks at me, her lips curved, as though her suspicions are confirmed. She swipes a makeup remover pack and leaves.

Security? I switched off my comms unit when I left the set, assuming I wouldn’t need it.

I remove my tool belt, lay it beside the brushes, and turn to Luca. The tension in his jaw could cut glass. His eyes are wide, his face etched with worry.My gut tightens. Something’s wrong.

“Did something happen?”

His eyes search mine. He looks me over before resting his hands on my shoulders as if grounding himself.

Without a word, he pulls me into a comforting embrace. His scent—so achingly familiar—engulfs me. He strokes my hair while whispering my name softly. It’s just me and him. The world around us melts away until I remember we’re in danger.

Crushed against his chest, my voice is muffled. “What’s going on? You’re scaring me.”

An incoming message crackles on the comms unit attached to his belt. “All clear on set. Fire is contained.”

I pull away, searching his eyes for answers. “What fire?”

Luca shrugs, waving his hand dismissively. “You mean you don’t know?” I admonish.

He lets out a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair. “A fire broke out on set. Security called when I was in the edit suite going over the dailies.”

“Is anyone hurt?”
